Category: 2004 Election

  • Keeping it “real”

    A group called RNC Not Welcome in NYC (or noRNC for short) and CounterConvention present Fuck New York (video/quicktime object) (warning: language not work-safe + some may find the satire offensive as it blends racialized language with preppy stereotypes are borders on minstrelsy).

  • Kerry response to swift boat smear

    This remarkably powerful ad from Kerry/Edwards — and the associated petition — are well worth your time.

  • Media Monkeys & Red Star Republicans

    ….as in See No Evil, etc. Has anybody noticed that the Bush campaign stops all seem to take place in the same room? And that the media show only the podium-shots of Kerry and Bush as if they were both addressing actual crowds of people? Have you also noticed that the Bush “campaign speeches” include…

  • It’s happening again…

    Remember when the media spent all that time covering Monica Lewinsky and Whitewater and Travelgate? And then, how after 9/11, looking back, most of us, regardless of party (far far right excepted) thought: “hunh. that may not have been the best way for the media to have used its time — yapping on about that…

  • Doing their homework for them

    Imagine if the press corps, instead of simply parroting the right’s latest talking points and mocking jibes instead did a little research. I suspect that even googling around for the word “sensitive” in the context of the war on terror and the sideshow in Iraq would have turned up some of the examples that LiberalOasis…

  • Purple states turning blue

    Diarist Andy at Kos notes that Kerry is now leading Bush in Pennsylvania polls by more than the margin of error, and threatening to do so in a few other battleground states.