Category: Hellmouth

  • Technical difficulties

    Technical difficulties

    If I seem at all distracted it may be that my new boss’s old boss who is also possibly the actual boss of the country’s new boss is currently attacking the team I work for, and doxxing my colleagues. 18F’s account on Twitter was apparently deleted (actually a good thing, if you ask me) but,…

  • well fuck you too PG&E

    Emerging from the basement where I am on flood watch, I went out to the dripping mailbox to fish out our soggy load of coupons, bills, and bank card come-ons, including the Pacific Gas & Electric Company invoice for the month of March. March, the “40 days and 40 nights” of relentless rain in which…

  • Pinter writes for Bush

    My friend EB sent me a note quoting Pinter, sure to enrage the jingoes: > On the chance that you haven’t seen it already, here’s an excerpt from Harold Pinter’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech: > > I know that President Bush has many extremely competent speech writers, but I would like to volunteer for the…

  • Harriet Miers, fashion froward?

    My first glimpse of the latest nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court on the afternoon news revealed not just your usual power-suited Washington insider. First, the suit was a serene royal blue, not screaming patriotic red. Beneath the suit jacket, nominee Miers sported a demure “high-collared” silk blouse, also in royal blue. Could this be…

  • David Brooks can go to Hell or New Orleans

    His choice–for saying “We have to think about whether we want to rebuild New Orleans” on the (Lehrer) News Hour this afternoon. Whaddya mean “we” Mr. Smarty Pundit?! Like, if a hurricane had destroyed Washington D.C. there would be a vote to decide whether or not it was wise to rebuild the nation’s capitol in…

  • Mannish boy

    Saw this somewhere today – it’s sad but not entirely surprising (Masculinity Challenged, Men Prefer War and SUVs): Men whose masculinity is challenged become more inclined to support war or buy an SUV, a new study finds. Their attitudes against gays change, too. Cornell University researcher Robb Willer used a survey to sample undergraduates. Participants…

  • Public Television vs The Klan

    Full disclosure: I have a liberal viewpoint. That means primarily that I believe in taxes, free speech, and that Abraham Lincoln was right. And sometimes I wish The North had let The South secede. Then we wouldn’t have today a national leadership lording their prejudices over us from the legacy of a constitutional compromise. That’s…

  • Her Body Her Self?

    I find the current congressional furor over a certain woman’s body (pretty much just body since her mind is gone)quite hysterical and tragic. The story is about everything but the woman herself. “A woman who at the age of 26 was apparently in the process of starving herself – that’s what an ‘eating disorder’ is,…

  • you are what you et

    I had to wonder, hearing that George W. was going to dine with the president of France on his European “friendship tour,” whether he managed to spit his escargot into his napkin like a good patriot. This was because I had just read Deanna Swift’s Feb. 7 report on the recent departure of Walter Scheib…

  • Chris Nolan has had enough

    The best blog commentary I’ve read this year is Oh. Him. by Chris Nolan at Politics from Left to Right. I don’t want to quote it or summarize. Just go read it. It’s absolutely essential. I’m serious. I just (finally) put Nolan’s weblog at the top of the syndicated headlines on the Edgewise home page.…

  • private? personal? it’s all partisan

    Since the Shrub administration is parsing terms these days, I’d like to suggest some additional euphemisms… Private parts shall now be personal parts. There is no more privation–it’s providence. Privileged? No. Preselected. Will the SSS become the Social Securities System? The Republicons who gave us the Death Tax are primed to pitch young against old…

  • Please welcome

    Briggs Nisbet, cowriter of True Dirt, has joined the contributing staff of Edgewise, writing an occasional column called Hellmouth. (Two back entries have been imported from Briggs’ former standalone blog of the same name.) Please welcome Briggs to our family.

  • Toad Pride

    This just in from San Diego (North Baja or South California, depending): A federal appeals court has rejected a developer’s plans to build a large housing development in inland North County because it would likely jeopardize a small, endangered toad. Well, kinda. More like there is already a “housing development” there but nobody sees it…

  • The veil of invisibility

    So we’re walking back to the car parked along the frontage road when a coworker says, “there’s an Amber alert on the freeway” and I look up to read the lit up message on the huge billboard “….brown Datsun 200sx…” and the license plate number that harbors a fugitive kidnapper and abducted girl (probably). And…