Category: Edgewise
What planet is Hugh Hewitt phoning it in from?
From Why the Right Was Wrong: … tactics previously exclusive to the left – exaggeration, invective, anonymous sources, an unbroken stream of new charges, television advertisements paid for by secret sources … Wha? Excuse me. Project much?
Who leaked to Novak beside ‘Official A’?
OK, so the indictment says that Official A leaked to Novak. But didn’t Novak say that he was leaked to by (at least) two people, one of whom was “no partisan gunslinger.” Assuming that Official A is Rove and that Rove cut a deal and rolled on Libby, thus keeping his shit clean (for now),…
Sulu’s gay
Although I was almost inappropriately delighted to learn today that Sulu is gay, I have to confess that I’m kind of irritated at the timing. I mean, yesterday Miers withdraws, then this morning, so-called “Scooter” Libby resigns. And now here comes George Takei, pushing those stories right off the front page.
In which I predict the future!
Many years ago, before Seinfeld became a national Thing, I looked up one day and I said “I’m going to start watching Seinfeld.” And I didn’t just say this myself. I said it to other people too. For example, So-Called Bill. It didn’t make much sense at the time. And then that episode with the…
You could make the case that Plamegate isn’t and won’t be Watergate, in that all the focus has been on the possibility that some of the President’s key people may go down, but you don’t really hear much speculation that the President himself could be dragged in. But then there’s this: when Nixon left office,…
But doesn’t she deserve an ‘up or down vote’?
Conservatives Launch ‘Withdraw Miers’ Website Sauce for the goose?