Category: Republicans
If the Republicans (and, increasingly, the media) get to keep calling us the “Democrat Party” instead of the “Democratic Party,” because they think it subliminally emphasizes the word “rat,” can we start calling them “Republicanists”? As in “What my Republicanist colleague forgets to mention is…” It would make people think “pianist” every time they thought…
Bush insider: Bush administration used and mocked Christian right
MSNBC reports that a new book called Tempting Faith, by former administration official David Kuo, gives an inside look at the Bush administration that’s bound to give some of the Christian Right pause on election day. He says some of the nation’s most prominent evangelical leaders were known in the office of presidential political strategist…
John Murtha’s not mincing words
Here’s an amazing snippet a friend just emailed me. This is from a new exhortation written by Congressman John Murtha: A year ago when I presented my plan for Iraq, I did it to provide leadership and protect our troops. The Republicans have spent their time name-calling while the situation for our troops in…
At long last, have you no decency?
I don’t think Cheney’s getting traction anymore. Average Americans think he’s some kind of vampire/monster. Hillary Clinton and Hairplug Biden have both dissed him openly on the talking head shows. Zach at Hanlon’s Razor has the right idea (Dick Cheney’s heart pumps bile): Saying that Iraq is the War on Terror ad nauseum and that…
what would Mr. Rogers do?
can you say “habeas corpus“? What if King Friday got taken away to a secret jail in the middle of the ocean by the Central Intelligence Agency? And the government said King Friday could not file a writ of habeas corpus because he had no rights. Because Congress just happened to sort of incidentally take…
red dwarf exits red america Blogger Quits Amid Furor “When I was 17, I was certainly sloppy,” said Domenech, who did not graduate from college. “If I had paid more attention, none of these problems would have happened.” Is this statement: False__ Plagiarized__ Really stupid__ (what score did WashPost’s Jim Brady get?)
Color Theory: “Red America” and “Red Dawn”
Edgewise readers are probably familiar with the story of the Washington Post Online’s new right-wing blog, “Red America,” written by a 24-year-old sometime Republican speechwriter named Ben Domenech, who also runs the site. Various writers at Daily Kos & eslewhere have detailed the various aspects that make his hiring so egregious — that a…
The Devils’ Dictionary
The Nation has compiled and published a Dictionary of Republicanisms. Of the definitions they’ve published in the magazine (or rather, in this case, on the website), here are two of my favorites: > laziness *n*. When the poor are not working. > > leisure time *n*. When the wealthy are not working. (Both definitions by…
Shooting Indians in a Barrel: The Trust Scandal
It’s nearly as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. Gale Norton’s Department of the Interior is so far winning the Bush Administration’s fight against the Indians. A ten-year-old struggle to right 118 years of wrongs against American Indians is at an impasse with the Bush government holding most of the trump cards. The fight,…
Abramoff vs The Tribes
San Francisco Chronicle columnist Debra J. Saunders sounded like Rep. Richard Pombo’s big sister taking on the corner bullies in her Sunday rant, “Lay off Pombo” in which she lit into “the left”, Nancy Pelosi, and Democratic party leaders for picking on Pombo for getting money from the tainted former lobbyist, Jack Abramoff, and his…
Bush signed anti-torture statute with fingers crossed
>”When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean–neither more nor less.” > >”The question is, ” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” >”The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty. “which is to be master–that’s all.” Lewis…
Abramoff & DeLay: “free-market ” friends
Just cleaning out my files….here’s an excerpt from Thomas B. Edsall’s piece in the Washington Post from 2004: In 1995, Abramoff took on another major client, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, an American protectorate in the Pacific. Again, he capitalized on his ability to exploit conservative ideology. The Marianas sought to retain exemptions…
Sue, are you? Sue sue, sue, sue
Tort reform for thee but not for me: Sirotablog: NOW & THEN: Trent Lott on suing & lawsuits
I was saying “Boo-urns”
Abramoff scandal spreads to the Senate: Now A Republican Senator Tied Up In Abramoff Scandal… | The Huffington Post
In which I predict the future again!
I predict that in just a few hours it will be proven once and for that I cannot in fact predict the future!
What planet is Hugh Hewitt phoning it in from?
From Why the Right Was Wrong: … tactics previously exclusive to the left – exaggeration, invective, anonymous sources, an unbroken stream of new charges, television advertisements paid for by secret sources … Wha? Excuse me. Project much?
Who leaked to Novak beside ‘Official A’?
OK, so the indictment says that Official A leaked to Novak. But didn’t Novak say that he was leaked to by (at least) two people, one of whom was “no partisan gunslinger.” Assuming that Official A is Rove and that Rove cut a deal and rolled on Libby, thus keeping his shit clean (for now),…
In which I predict the future!
Many years ago, before Seinfeld became a national Thing, I looked up one day and I said “I’m going to start watching Seinfeld.” And I didn’t just say this myself. I said it to other people too. For example, So-Called Bill. It didn’t make much sense at the time. And then that episode with the…
You could make the case that Plamegate isn’t and won’t be Watergate, in that all the focus has been on the possibility that some of the President’s key people may go down, but you don’t really hear much speculation that the President himself could be dragged in. But then there’s this: when Nixon left office,…
But doesn’t she deserve an ‘up or down vote’?
Conservatives Launch ‘Withdraw Miers’ Website Sauce for the goose?
No guarantee Rove won’t be indicted
And when the frogs, come marching out…. Think Progress :: BREAKING: Karl Rove to Give Additional Testimony … oh Lord I want Karl to be in that number, when the frogs go marching out. Though I’d easily let go of my Karl-wish to see him roll over on the boss. Update: I had titled this…