Category: Paleoblogs
Did Bush Trade Kirkuk for Kurdish Brigades in the Baghdad Surge?
I’ve had Kirkuk on the brain for quite a while now. Since I am not a pro, I figure I’m willing to be off base or completely wrong. Besides, it’s too long to read. So, since I have thought about it a lot, this is my Sharing Time contribution for today: It seemed like a…
Email messages don't disappear that easily
A lot of political blogs are reporting today that White House staff and operatives evaded regulations and used outside email services, such as their RNC accounts, resulting in the deletion of reportedly five million email messages: BREAKING: White House lost Over FIVE MILLION e-mails in two year period | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in…
Steal More from Renters!
“[K]ey Senate Democrats said Wednesday that hundreds of millions of dollars of new federal aid may be needed to assist homeowners at risk of foreclosure.” Washington Post, 4/11/07 (Link below.) So, the most progressive legislators in the country say home owners should get more public money. Renters, rolling in dough, will once again get nothing.…
I'm impressed by's customer service
I’ve been using pobox as a mail forwarding service since 1995 (I think I read about it in Wired and I was sold on the idea of a middle layer between my correspondents and my potentially ever changing email addresses). When I started owning my own domains I simply forwarded custom (“vanity”) email addresses from…
Confessions by prisoners are an ugly business.
“Tehran has released footage and letters that it says are confessions that the 15 entered Iranian waters.” I don’t know where this ship really was, but such confessions–by imprisoned people who have no legal recourse and no idea what is going to happen to them–are inherently an ugly business. That’s true for Tehran as well…
Former Senator Fred Thompson
For those who have managed to avoid the “Law and Order” TV series all these years, the recent Presidential boomlet for Fred Thompson – who plays the DA, to whom the protagonists go for wisdom and tough choices – is probably not a big deal. But let me tell you, this guy is so palpably…
Men and women respond differently to Kathy Sierra
I was discussing yesterday with Jay Fienberg how it bothers me that some of the ostensibly supportive comments on Kathy Sierra’s blog include thoughts along the lines of “I am a big man so I am not vulnerable to these kinds of threats.” Not only does this sort of reinforce the chauvinism, as Jay pointed…
You are your own words
I’ve been following the upsetting story of how Kathy Sierra, creator of the Head First book series, author of the Creating Passionate Users weblog, and noted speaker on the web / technology circuit was frightened into cancelling her scheduled appearance at eTech by a series of escalating threats to her personal safety in the form…
Yes, Josh, There Is a Bill of Rights
Back in 2002, I got this email from my brother’s brother-in-law, Josh Kiok. Kind of relevant. >Dear David, >Once again I’m shocked, shocked! I suspect you already know about this, but just in case you don’t, a recent series of articles appeared in the SF Chronicle about the FBI/CIA spying on the Free Speech Movement.…
My slides from SxSW
These slides are only minutely useful as they are nearly all images without any notes or bullet points. When the podcast comes out I will work on synchronizing my remarks with the slides. I’ll be posting Ted Nadeau’s slides next. His were much more content rich. **Update:** Here are Ted’s slides:
Yet another friend metaphor (for twitter)
So I just wasted, er, spent a half hour surfing twitter pages and poaching friends of friends. I noticed that I had a strong gut sense of who I felt it was ok to befriend, most of the time, but that it doesn’t necessarily map to people who are actually my friends or whom I’ve…
Bush vs. Watergate – Who Wins?
A lot of people have said that the Bush/Cheney White House re-established Presidential powers that had been eroded since Watergate. How could they tell? Congress has not been testing Presidential power, because it was backing Presidential policy. Now there are two fighters in the ring, and we may at last get to see whether it…
Liz Lawley on 'why twitter matters'
mamamusings: why twitter matters: >But asking “who really cares about that kind of mindless trivia about your day” misses the whole point of presence. This isn’t about conveying complex theory–it’s about letting the people in your distributed network of family and friends have some sense of where you are and what you’re doing. And we…
SXSW namedropping, day five
Last day of interactive. Laughingsquid party at Ginger Man by far the best of the whole session. * [Laura Moncur]( * [Michael Moncur]( * [Michael Sippey]( * [Christina Wodtke]( * [Scott Allen]( * [Gordon Luk]( * [Justin Hall]( * [Ernie Hsieng]( * [Kevin Cheng]( * [Min Jung Kim]( * [Jason Hoffman]( * [Jenifer Hanen]( *…
SXSW namedropping, day four
last night was insane. at some point i should write about some panels. Leisa Reichelt is a sweetheart. * [Renee Blodgett]( * [Kristy Duncan]( * [Kevin Smokler]( * [Micah Alpern]( * [Luke Wroblewski]( * [Liz Henry]( * [Evan Prodromou]( * [Rob Condit]( * [Nancy Scola]( * [Liza Sabater]( * [Will Giese]( * [Liz Danzico]( *…
SXSW namedropping, day three
I must be getting old (duh) since by then end of a half-hour fascinating conversation I no longer remember the name of the person I just met and it’s too dark and rainy to discreetly look at their badge to refresh my decaying braincells, so apologies in advance to very cool people (you know who…
Raw notes from 'Everything you wanted to know about the mobile web…' @ sxsw
…but were afraid to ask: Great talk! Very thorough. Making me, helping rethink my upcoming Mobile IA presentation at the IA Summit. Here are my raw notes. Apologies for the stream of consciousness nature. You may be better off with Brian Fling’s slides. Who is Brian Fling? dir of strategy for blue flavor mobile designer…
SXSW namedropping, day two
Met (and saw) fewer new people today, but spent time with some of the same folks from yesterday, and hung out a lot with Ted and Kirsten: * [Kiersten Lammerding]( (got a better link k-lo?) * KD / Kristy (klo’s friend from the evil empire) * [Ted Nadeau]( * [Robert Scoble]( * [Chris Messina]( *…
SXSW namedropping, day one
Links are people I talked to. Nonlinks are people I spotted but didn’t talk to. I know I’m leaving people out from Break Bread with Brad at Buffalo Billiards. I didn’t always get everyone’s name and by then my beer-to-food ratio was really out of whack (had only southwest peanuts all day until George kicked…