Category: Blogosphere
Secret Santa for bloggers
Sign up at Secret Santa to give and receive.
What social software is Joi?
Had big fun at Joi Ito’s dinner in San Francisco last night. The restaurant, LuLu, printed up special menus for the occasion. Of course I stupidly forgot to grab myself one. I did take a bunch of digiphotos and maybe some of them even came out. I’ll post them sometime today. Too bad Zack Rosen…
Comment spam daily
Does any one have any idea why someone would post a random comment on this blog featuring a link to Who would that benefit? It makes no sense to me. Once again, though, I feel compelled to acknowledge that Jay Allen’s MT-blacklist rocks.
Africa blogging
Over at BuzzMachine, I just noticed, Jeff Jarvis is linking to some blogs from Africa: Africa blogs: Since I’m a blog internationalist, often linking to Iranian, Iraqi, and German blogs, a reporter emailed me this morning asking whether there were blogs from (or about) Africa. I follow a few and I followed the links on…
Song for Ben and Mena
Shannon Campbell wrote a song called Your Own Dot Org for Ben and Mena Trott (the founders of Six Apart) at the behest of Joi Ito. You can download it from Shannon’s site, Pet Rock Star. Here’s the chorus: you’re unbelievably adorably cute benevolent, witty, and brilliant to boot you’re a stupid fool with your…
Bitchy sells
Susan Mernit has an interesting theory about why there are so many more men than women in the lists of most linked-to blogs. Men are more willing, she says, to be opinionated and controversial: Guys rant on about politics, a topic the news junkies love. Women strive to be smart and insightful, but except for…