Category: Blogosphere
Shut up, shut up, shut up!
Today is, of course Talk Like Bill O’Reilly Day. Don’t make me turn off your mic! This Internet is a hotbed of dangerous speech! Even the print media are committing liable against me. There’s something wrong in this country when famous people deliberately try to harm a legitimate businessman like myself. Looks like O’Lielly’s are…
The Julie/Julia book
Add The Julie Powell to the list (along with Salam Pax) of bloggers whose weblogs have landed them sweet book deals. Congratulations to Julie for conceiving of her brilliant project and then – most importantly – executing it. So now, is the book going to just be a slightly edited rendition of the yearlong cooking…
BlogPulse automates trendspotting
Yet another memetracking site keyed into the blogosphere is the still-in-beta BlogPulse, which identifies key phrases (usually of two words or more) – as well as topics, people, and links – that are appearing most often in tracked weblogs each day. I’m not sure how they determine what’s a topic and what’s a people, but…
We're No. 10 (again)
Through regular exercise and the downing of a lot of chocolate-covered donuts, Radio Free Blogistan’s parent blog, Mediajunkie, has recovered its coveted 10th-place rankings in the list of Salon’s all time Rankings by Page-Reads.
The echo chamber gag
reminded me of this, which I meant to point to weeks ago:
Public statements and inadvertent weblogs
A while back, I thought that instead of waiting for, say, Rumsfeld to start a blog (yeah, right) that anyone could compile any public utterances the Donald makes on the record and publish them at a passive or reportorial weblog on a daily basis. In a sense, the misleader site being discussed on Metafilter right…