Category: Blogosphere
Is Technorati down?
I was doing a little a.m. egosurfing and noticed that the links to RFB noted at Technorati were last updated over a day ago, plus there’s nothing listed under Breaking News or What’s New. What gives?
Who's blogging Seybold?
So is anyone else, like, blogging Seybold? UPDATE: If you are blogging Seybold, feel free to send a trackback ping to this entry.
Craig of Craigslist now blogging (yea!)
Craig Newmark’s Blog, aka “craig blog,” is up and running. Instant A-List? Don’t know who Craig is? See his well trafficked craigslist, which recently got RSS feeds. Speaking of which, Craig appears to have rolled his own blog software and it doesn’t look like he’s added a feed yet, at least not one linked on…
Reverse Cowgirl rides off into the sunset.
The Merry Pranksters had a slogan, or actually, they had several slogans, but the one I’m thinking of right now is “Nothing lasts.” I’m a great believer in lifecycles. Just about everything on this planet – even phenomena – gets born, lives, and then dies. Blogs are no excepts. Some weblogs end by default. Sometimes…
AOL vs. LiveJournal
Much ado has been made recently about AOL blocking LiveJournal referrers. Some think it is a misguided attempt to deep linking or bandwidth-stealing (linknig to hosted images). Other see it as a preemptive strike against the most likely competitor to AOL Journals. Ross Mayfield ponders both interpretations and more, gathering a number of other links…
Testing a direct ping of the Salon community server
After talking to filchyboy today I think I understand how to notify the Salon community server that I’ve updated this blog. Even though I’m not using Radio anymore, since my Radio license is still current and I still feel like a member of the community, I assume this is kosher. Let’s see if it works.