Category: Blogosphere

  • More media junk

    I’m still in the process of unifying my blogroll and my subscribed news feeds. Just added Gawker (and its excerpts will appear on the Mediajunkie page) for that New York expatriate feel. Now I just have to remember to add, another one that escapes me for days at a time till an inevitable link…

  • Claiming a Technorati identity

    I signed up and uploaded a wrong-shaped photo to the new Technorati feature the other day but still have to add the code to my weblog to confirm. The lazy thing is to post it here, but I should add it to my template if I want to keep it around. I didn’t do that…

  • What happened to BlogHog?

    Last time I checked, BlogHog hadn’t updated any of its feeds since February 10, 2003. What up with that?

  • Less than half a Zawod

    According to the latest information from BlogShares Radio Free Blogistan is worth somewhat less than half a Zawod. Then again, even Jeremy Zawodny’s blog isn’t worth one whole Zawod at this moment. That’s inflation for you.

  • Welcome back, John Robb

    After his untimely disappearance, John Robb has resurfaced in the blogosphere at a new location. Of the link breakage from his old UserLand-hosted account, he has this to say: The bad news: a huge number (probably over 30,000, not even counting Google) of inbound links that have been broken, as well as nearly 500 RSS…

  • The first AOL journal (blog) I've seen

    Via Hylton Joliffe I’ve clicked through to an AOL Journal called sound & fury. The branding at the top (below the generic AOL nav) reads “AOL Journals: Your Thoughts. Your Blog.” I was hoping I could find my way from that blog to other AOL blogs but there doesn’t seem to be any central jumping-off…