Category: Book News

  • Perpetual Prototype

    Perpetual Prototype

    Neil MacDonald reviews Designing Social Interfaces at his site Perpetual Prototype: An Information Architecture Blog, writing If you are considering designing a site with social features, this book is a must read.

  • MT3 Bible available!

    Rogers Cadenhead’s portable, affordable Movable Type 3 Bible Desktop Edition is now available from Wiley. I’d love to get my greasy little fingers on a copy of this book!

  • Blogging my book

    I can finally talk a little more about my current writing project, by far the most fascinating book I’ve ever had the pleasure of working on. The working title is The Power of Many and it’s about – broadly speaking (my publisher doesn’t want me to be too specific yet) – people networks with digital…

  • The Julie/Julia book

    Add The Julie Powell to the list (along with Salam Pax) of bloggers whose weblogs have landed them sweet book deals. Congratulations to Julie for conceiving of her brilliant project and then – most importantly – executing it. So now, is the book going to just be a slightly edited rendition of the yearlong cooking…

  • Radio silence at

    Continued technical difficulties at the Dreamweaver Savvy website (problems with Radio, the CMS I’m currently driving new home page updates) have caused me to temporarily roll back the home page to the old, ugly design, so at least there will be something there for visitors. Next I may have to manually ftp the new blog-based…

  • Fixing the Savvy homepage

    The last time the hackers came through they replaced a lot of the index pages of a lot of my sites. After we wiped my server and started over from scratch with a more robust security regime, I still had to replace the missing pages. Most of them were backed up on my production Mac…

  • Why Agent7 isn't updating

    Every time I try to post or crosspost to my Agent7 blog I get an event error (in Radio) like this: Can’t upstream because “Can’t find a sub-table named “428”.” or Can’t upstream because “Can’t find a sub-table named “5526”.” or Can’t upstream because “Can’t find a sub-table named “8105”.” I have no idea why…

  • jjg on user-centered design

    Good (public) interview getting underway in the Well’s Inkwell conference with Jesse James Garrett, author of The Elements of User Experience (New Riders, 2003), a book I’ve promised to review in this space and will get around to eventually, I promise! Garrett is a groundbreaker in the less-than-a-decade old discipline of information architecture. Much of…

  • Weee're back

    Well, that took longer than expected. I’m still getting things re-configured and re-set up at ol’ Open Publishing / ezone / x-everything industries, but most of the sites are at least now visible, and I may hope that we’ve cured the hacked-so-easily problem we had going there. In the meantime, off the air, I found…

  • Visio ate my homework

    I’ve been drawing wire frames (also called virtual blueprints) depicting schematically how a number of different page views and portlets and popup windows show look and function for a portal project, and I’ve been drawing these pictures in Visio. It’s an old version of Visio (2000) and I’m running it on a fairly old Dell…

  • I must be losing it

    After a long pleasant period of using my Mac for pretty much all my work and play tasks, I’ve been involved in an IA project recently that required me to work in the Microsphere, in Windows 2000, with Office/Win software, using Visio to make diagrams instead of OmniGraffle or Illustrator. It hasn’t been that bad,…

  • Apress picks up remaining Wrox titles

    Last month’s news that computer-professional and web-designer press Wrox (or rather its parent company, Peer Information Group) had declared bankruptcy, leaving its authors (and those of its popular Glasshaus and Friends of Ed imprints) in limbo was soon followed by word that John Wiley & Sons had purchases the Wrox name and taken over the…

  • First book on a single blog tool

    I’ve been following the blog book market pretty closely this last year and with the recent Google acquisition of Pyra to get Blogger and Neotony investment in Six Apart to support Movable Type and then TypPad, it’s kind of cool to note that the firstr book dedicated to a single specific blog tool is on…

  • Macromedia Firefly plus RSS

    Using Macromedia FireFly Components to Work with RSS Feeds by Aral Balkan; re: Macromedia Flash. [Macromedia – Designer Developer Center] …and I’m off to NOLA…

  • More conference retrospective coming

    As always the actual face-to-face living of the Waterside conference a week or so ago overtook the electronic chronicling of same. Then I got sick. Now I’m about to head out on vacation. On return, though, I still plan to try to reassemble some of my other fond or striking memories of the event, and…

  • Waterside 2003, day 3

    Too much schmoozing yesterday and not enough blogging! I’ve got a bunch of photos and notes and links to post and I’ll probably do some catching up over the weekend. I didn’t bring my camera on the Hornblower ride around the bay last night, but it was stunning out there and I know some people…

  • On the waterfront

    Most years we hold the annual Waterside publishing conference in San Diego’s Mission Bay, but this year we are holding it near East Shore State Park in Berkeley. Author, consultant, entrepreneur (and author of ‘elm’) Dave Taylor, attending the conference, took a walk along the waterfront this morning and posted some observations about this “lovely…

  • Waterside 2003, day 2

    Gee, it’s tough to blog about each panel and also find time for all the schmoozing, catching up, drinking, and chat. Grabbed a few minutes with Molly Holzschlag this morning to talk about a book I’m coauthoring, FrontPage Savvy. She’s going to be our tech editor and she’ll be holding our feet to the fire…

  • Dave Taylor on Tim's presentation

    Dave Taylor was sitting at the back of the room during Tim’s talk and has posted his observations on it at his blog. He thinks that Tim is understating the risks involved in studying and publishing about bleeding-edge technologies, given the adoption cycles involved in mainstreaming new tech and the small proportion of visionary ideas…

  • The Next Paradigm Shift

    We weren’t able to watch Tim O’Reilly‘s powerpoint presentation but it hardly mattered as his talk was so engaging, running off into tangents but also cohering very well. For those of you not here, he just sent me his slide deck via Rendezvous: The Next Paradigm Shift, or Why I’m Bullish on Our Industry

  • chownz0red

    My web host sez chown xian agent7 has been done. happy blogging. So this should appear at Agent7 as well as at RFB. UPDATE: Hmm, still working out nested template weirdnesses… still… UPDATE 2: OK, the images had a relative link, trying to fix that now.