Category: Editorial

  • Don't forget categories!

    Andrew, your Clark post should be filed under Politics…

  • The RFB logo

    Well, first of all the name Radio Free Blogistan was meant to conjure up images of the US broadcasting Radio Free Europe and other propaganda stations into the Soviet-dominated region during the cold war. I think at first I was going to make RFB a political blog, and I thought the idea was like sending…

  • filchyfeed

    OK, dude, I set up an RDF (RSS 1.0) full-entry feed featuring just filchyboy’s posts to RFB. I also have begun cleaning up the sidebar, removing some of the old personal weblog affectations, replacing a bunch of the feeds from my outside blogs with feeds from each of our primary blogs, and adding Dave Pollard’s…

  • CSS, RSS, M-O-U-S-E

    Re Blogistan Editorial: Headlines CSS? & RSS for Posters I am concerned though in that you mentioned a CSS way of maintaining classic “headline” style. I am most interested in how to do such a thing. Any pointers? Actually, I’m afraid this is wishful thinking on my part. I’m not aware of any such style…

  • Headlines, why?

    Uh, it’s mostly just a stylistic preference I have, but it’s also based on the idea that if we want traditional headline/title style (which is mostly all caps but not so for a small number of short prepositions and other helper words, such as “of,” “and,” “a,” “the,” and so on) or all-caps, or small-caps,…

  • Category rundown

    Here’s a list of the existing categories, with some explanation about their intended purposes or ultimate disposition: Above the Fold This is an obsolete category whose entries are destined to be exported from this blog and imported into my Above the Fold weblog, which is intended as a weekly column on web design and development…

  • Headline style

    Headline style in RFB is sentence capitalization. That is, capitalize the first word of the headline and none others (aside from proper nouns). I have my reasons…

  • Check, 1, 2

    OK, if this works then the password-protected Blogistan Editorial weblog is up and running.