Category: Editorial
There's also the 'memes' category
Another place the Onion article could be listed is under Memes, which is a safe place to stow any link that is currently riding the popularity charts in the blogosphere… So, there are some unanswered questions embedded in earlier entries. I’ll try to sift them out soon, but they include deciding if having our editorial…
Dealing with duplicate pings
Weblogs often generate multiple trackback pings to the same entry. This is usually because a timeout in the initial ping caused the process to fail to acknowledge, so the sending weblog tries again next time the user updates the entry. To avoid sending out duplicate pings, if you get an error after posting, go to…
Help with comment permalinks
OK, I wanted the comments block on the home page to link to recent comments “filchyboy on Is linking like sex” etc. The problem is that the comment links just go to the entry and don’t scroll down automatically to the specific comment’s permalink. I was poking around the templates documentation and I saw that…
As Rayne noted to me in email this morning, we were hit with comment spam this morning. The only new thing about this is that it’s now hitting on articles I didn’t author, so I don’t necessarily see the email notification. We have Jay Allen’s MT-Blacklist installed, so all comment notification comes with a link…
RFB InfoArch
Information architecture (IA) is just a fancy term for organizational structure. Here are some things on my RFB IA to do list: soonly 1. Reorg home page 2. Tweak categories eventually 3. full site inventory 4. sitemap 5. review navigation 6. review nomenclature 7. search templates 8. external connections TO ADD author pages monthly calendar…
Logos, drafts, syndication, and privacy
filch, I’d love to see your futurismistic logo ideas and see if Liza and you can get any synergy going. I noticed that draft. Are you still going to flesh it out? By QuickPost, you guys are talking about the TypePad bookmarklet? I didn’t realize it could post to MT blogs as well? I have…