Category: Event blogging

  • Blogging a yoga conference

    Susan Mernit gave me a head’s up about this wekeend’s YOGA JOURNAL LIVE at ESTES PARK, a conference blog related to The 10th Annual Yoga Journal Colorado Conference (which itself includes a conference-within-a-conference featuring yoga legend Sri B.K.S. Iyengar). The blog is described as “A live conference blog sharing the teaching of BKS Iyengar and…

  • Brownbloggers west

    “Nobody really talks about antiracism, especially in the blogosphere.” – Marian Douglas I remember that my favorite session at SXSW this year was Blogging While Black. Today, not surprisingly, I’m finding the “brownbloggers” session to be again one of the best. There also appears to be much better, much stronger nonwhite representation here (as compared…

  • Listening to women

    Today has been a good exercise in trying to shut up and listen, although I have slipped from time to time and shouted or out or insisted on being heard. Still, for the most part today I’ve been listening and learning. This has to be the best blog conference I’ve been to yet. The range…

  • Regendering this blog

    Here at Blogher I noticed Ka-Ping Yee’s status via rendezvous pointign to a site called I went there and put in the box and it switched the gender of everything it thought was a proper name. Interesting.

  • Blogher kick off

    Sounds like last night was fun. Finally got the wireless working on my Mac. Sadly, I brought the camera but not the memory card, so I won’t be able to post pictures (except via the phone). Already meeting a lot of cool people. It’s great to be in a room that is 80% women. I…

  • See you at Blogher!

    I won’t be there this evening for any pre-schmoozing, but I will be driving down to San Jose bright and early tomorrow a.m. to take in the splendor that will be Blogher. I’ll bring the camera and try to post some shots during the day or soon afterward.

  • SXSW and Etech as swear words

    Quoting 90% Crud: Thank you for not mentioning the outside world: Is there a proxy that would let me filter any content with the words “SXSW” or “ETech”? That would help me feel a bit better about being in Michigan over the next week. I suspect the Chinese have it in place to keep all…

  • On the road again

    Life’s been a little crazy for personal journaling lately, but the pent-up urge to blog is reasserting itself. I flew into JFK on the jetblue redeye last night and have been holed up in the family compound in Manhattan today drinking liquids and recovering. Tomorrow I’ll check out the Tank and the other liberal bloggers…

  • The People’s Guide to the Republican National Convention for the Children

    Was the counterconvention this well organized in Boston? Didn’t seem to be. The People’s Guide to the Republican National Convention Note to left-wing marketers: “The People’s anything” is a salesbuster.

  • Do SecState’s usually avoid conventions?

    Can we read anything into this report (Colin Powell will skip GOP convention)? Brings to mind Bill Maher’s recent quip about Keyes running for senator in Illinois, to the effect that the Republicans couldn’t find Osama, couldn’t find weapons of mass destruction, and couldn’t find an African-American in Chicago.

  • Tom Tomorrow nails it

    Dan Perkins on blogging the convention (WorkingForChange-This Modern World: The very nice Democratic convention): (via Matt Welch)

  • Money quote

    The future doesn’t belong to fear. It belongs to freedom. – John Forbes Kerry

  • John Kerry. reporting for duty

    Kerry looks very happy, energized by the welcome (photos to come), and at ease with the rhetoric of home, hearth, faith, and family. This is his one shot to introduce himself to the sliver of a sliver of the undecideds who are tuned in right now. After this it’s the other convention, the debates, perhaps…

  • Alexandra Kerry humanizes her father

    People critized Teresa Heinz Kerry for giving a substantive speech instead of the “he’s really a good guy” type of speech filled with heart-warming anecdotes. Daughter Alexandra seems to have remedied that situation, particular with her tale of a father giving mouth-to-mouth to his child’s waterlogged hamster. Jeff Jarvis concurs.

  • Dvorak slams con bloggers

    Film at 11. But at least now that Dvorak is himself a blogger, it means that he too must suck.

  • Squeaky wheel gets the juice

    Coincidence or response to my gripes, it doesn’t matter which, but the three blogs featuring most of my convention blogging have finally been added to the Convention Bloggers website, yielding 130 additional readers in the last half day (at this moment – updated stats at the RFB referrer rankings page at Salon). Most of my…

  • Fear itself

    Dave Johnson picks up on a Reuters article on an interesting study of how “fear of death wins votes”: President Bush may be tapping into solid human psychology when he invokes the Sept. 11 attacks while campaigning for the next election, U.S. researchers said on July 29, 2004. Talking about death can raise people’s need…

  • Journalist at work!

    Journalist practicing archaic form of notetaking involving making marks with graphite and wood on wood pulp held together with metallic ring bindings

  • Chivalry dead?

    Alison Teal notices that the bloggers have been fiercely territorial about seating and vantage points in the blogger section, and that there seems to be a politeness differential across the generation gap(s): There is a reserved section on the seventh floor for the bloggers, but I’ve stopped going there. The Internet has been a little…

  • To err is Truman

    Dave Winer is annoyed about journalists mangling his web address. I know how he feels. I’m still sort of annoyed that none of the blogs I’m covering the convention for are included in Dave’s aggregrator. I don’t believe – as Liza suggested in a comment elsewhere – that this is a deliberate oversight. It’s a…

  • Michael Moore’s speech

    Dave Johnson from Seeing the Forest points to this transcript of Michael Moore’s speech from Tuesday: AlterNet: Election 2004: Michael Moore’s Speech in Cambridge, Mass.. I was culling through my notes from that day, so here are some of the highlights, based on my own transcription. To the press: We need you to do your…