Category: Miscellany

  • Funny blog spam today

    It was actually trackback spam: Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.

  • Easy as 1-2-3 … 49-50-51

    How To Start Your Very Own Blog In Fifty-One Easy Steps! (

  • Purple-numberize any site

    PurpleSlurple can slurp up any web page and add purple numbers to each paragraph (that is, paragraph-level permalinks). For example, here’s RFB purpleslurplerized: Purpled Blogistan. (via Jonas Luster)

  • Rollcall

    Should we have a meeting? Maybe by irc? Just to check in. We’ve got some pending business: redesign, site architecture, link logging, access to this blog. Some have been too busy to post much lately. Is that a problem, anything to worry about? Should we invite more contributors? Or, as I hinted in a post…

  • Saddam is caught and my server is down

    Hmm, TypePad munged the first few characters of my entry, turning “Boo-hoo. Biggest blog-news day of the war…” into this: …that’s even weirder, now the munged stuff just disappeared. The post was supposed to say this: Boo-hoo. Biggest blog-news day of the war in Iraq so far and my server that hosts most of my…

  • Blogiversary

    Six years ago today I started a project of writing something live on the web every day. Back then we called that keeping an online journal or diary. Over time, what I was doing evolved, influenced by the software that started appearing, into something more closely resembling blogging. In fact, Breathing Room was preceded (by…

  • Contribute to RFB

    I would like to make Radio Free Blogistan a more inclusive resource and less of a one-man show. There are a few ways that people can contribute. Anyone with a weblog- or metablog-related category in their own blog can set up an RSS feed for the category and tell me about it. If the information…

  • My feed list

    I’m trying to show an imported version of the OPML file my RSS newsfeed reader (“aggregator”) NetNewsWire exported for me – as one of my typelists, “Feeds I Read.” At first it just showed five of them, the last five alphabetically. I got it to display the whole list, more or less, but I reversed…

  • Visual narrative

    It took longer than I’d hoped, but I’ve just posted 105 pictures to a new photo album called Robots.

  • Random quickies

    Adding jwz, noting Tinderbox 2.0, blurbing an RSS article, thinking about

  • Best CSS-design interface yet

    OK, so now I can talk about TypePad’s awesome template builder feature. It’s not easy to build a good interactive interface for something as nuanced as design, but given the standardization of weblog layouts and some very neatly executed preview routines and what I assume is DOM-driven interactivity, the TypePad beta sports the best CSS…

  • Obligatory buttons 'n' bangles

    Per @TypePad’s communitarian rules for joining the Yahoo mailing list: Simply copy and paste… You can also post an entry on your blog… confirm you are the owner of the claimed blog.

  • Wow, Zempt is kewl

    I’m posting this entry from Zempt. Slick little interface going on here. I like the xmlrpc autodiscovery. When they port this to OS X it’s going to give kung-log (a very cool tool itself) a run for its money. Well, they’re both free so I don’t know what that means. I did donate some money…

  • Bookmarklets?

    I forget, isn’t there a bookmarklet for this thing? It seems like it would be safer to link to some other beta blogs to test the trackback process, though I gather it’s more-or-less identical to MT’s.

  • So far, so good

    OK, the photo album should be linked from the sidebar now.

  • Photo album mentionization

    So is there some accepted practice for linking new photo albums into the weblog? Do I just post the link here in a new entry. No wait, while I was fiddling with test blog No. 2 I noticed that photo album(s) is an optional design element, so I’ll hop over there now. Damn, this is…

  • Hello, world

    Just thought I’d kick off this TypePad thingy with the traditional first words of every newborn computer utterance-making system.

  • Buzzing New York, July 9 – 16

    Hey, I’m headed to New York next week (after the 4th of July holiday). I arrive on Wednesday, July 9 and I’m returning to Oakland late on Wednesday, July 16. Before then, I have some brutal deadlines. While in New York I’ll do some work (mostly reviewing manuscript for my current book project and meeting…

  • Another satellite

    My heart is taken it’s not lost in space And I don’t want to see your mooney mooney face I say why on earth do you revolve around me Aren’t you aware of the gravity Don’t need another satellite I’m happy standing on my feet of clay I have no wish to swim your milky…

  • Lies, lies, lies, yeah

    I’m looking forward to reading Al Franken’s new book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right. Here’s the BuzzFlash interview that whetted my appetite.

  • Will Ferrell's class day speech

    Those Harvard schmucks, they get the best graduation speakers. This year Will Ferrell serenaded them as \”shiny little very smart pieces of dust.\”