Category: Miscellany
Funny blog spam today
It was actually trackback spam: Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
Easy as 1-2-3 … 49-50-51
How To Start Your Very Own Blog In Fifty-One Easy Steps! (
Purple-numberize any site
PurpleSlurple can slurp up any web page and add purple numbers to each paragraph (that is, paragraph-level permalinks). For example, here’s RFB purpleslurplerized: Purpled Blogistan. (via Jonas Luster)
Should we have a meeting? Maybe by irc? Just to check in. We’ve got some pending business: redesign, site architecture, link logging, access to this blog. Some have been too busy to post much lately. Is that a problem, anything to worry about? Should we invite more contributors? Or, as I hinted in a post…
Saddam is caught and my server is down
Hmm, TypePad munged the first few characters of my entry, turning “Boo-hoo. Biggest blog-news day of the war…” into this: …that’s even weirder, now the munged stuff just disappeared. The post was supposed to say this: Boo-hoo. Biggest blog-news day of the war in Iraq so far and my server that hosts most of my…
Six years ago today I started a project of writing something live on the web every day. Back then we called that keeping an online journal or diary. Over time, what I was doing evolved, influenced by the software that started appearing, into something more closely resembling blogging. In fact, Breathing Room was preceded (by…
Contribute to RFB
I would like to make Radio Free Blogistan a more inclusive resource and less of a one-man show. There are a few ways that people can contribute. Anyone with a weblog- or metablog-related category in their own blog can set up an RSS feed for the category and tell me about it. If the information…
My feed list
I’m trying to show an imported version of the OPML file my RSS newsfeed reader (“aggregator”) NetNewsWire exported for me – as one of my typelists, “Feeds I Read.” At first it just showed five of them, the last five alphabetically. I got it to display the whole list, more or less, but I reversed…
Visual narrative
It took longer than I’d hoped, but I’ve just posted 105 pictures to a new photo album called Robots.
Random quickies
Adding jwz, noting Tinderbox 2.0, blurbing an RSS article, thinking about
Best CSS-design interface yet
OK, so now I can talk about TypePad’s awesome template builder feature. It’s not easy to build a good interactive interface for something as nuanced as design, but given the standardization of weblog layouts and some very neatly executed preview routines and what I assume is DOM-driven interactivity, the TypePad beta sports the best CSS…
Obligatory buttons 'n' bangles
Per @TypePad’s communitarian rules for joining the Yahoo mailing list: Simply copy and paste… You can also post an entry on your blog… confirm you are the owner of the claimed blog.
Wow, Zempt is kewl
I’m posting this entry from Zempt. Slick little interface going on here. I like the xmlrpc autodiscovery. When they port this to OS X it’s going to give kung-log (a very cool tool itself) a run for its money. Well, they’re both free so I don’t know what that means. I did donate some money…
I forget, isn’t there a bookmarklet for this thing? It seems like it would be safer to link to some other beta blogs to test the trackback process, though I gather it’s more-or-less identical to MT’s.
So far, so good
OK, the photo album should be linked from the sidebar now.
Photo album mentionization
So is there some accepted practice for linking new photo albums into the weblog? Do I just post the link here in a new entry. No wait, while I was fiddling with test blog No. 2 I noticed that photo album(s) is an optional design element, so I’ll hop over there now. Damn, this is…
Hello, world
Just thought I’d kick off this TypePad thingy with the traditional first words of every newborn computer utterance-making system.
Buzzing New York, July 9 – 16
Hey, I’m headed to New York next week (after the 4th of July holiday). I arrive on Wednesday, July 9 and I’m returning to Oakland late on Wednesday, July 16. Before then, I have some brutal deadlines. While in New York I’ll do some work (mostly reviewing manuscript for my current book project and meeting…
Another satellite
My heart is taken it’s not lost in space And I don’t want to see your mooney mooney face I say why on earth do you revolve around me Aren’t you aware of the gravity Don’t need another satellite I’m happy standing on my feet of clay I have no wish to swim your milky…
Lies, lies, lies, yeah
I’m looking forward to reading Al Franken’s new book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right. Here’s the BuzzFlash interview that whetted my appetite.
Will Ferrell's class day speech
Those Harvard schmucks, they get the best graduation speakers. This year Will Ferrell serenaded them as \”shiny little very smart pieces of dust.\”