Category: Nanopublishing

  • Dispatches from the edge

    Dispatches from the edge

    Microblogging never really found its way. Not like real protocols like email and such. Monopolizing status updates all in one place never made sense but it hung together chaordically for a long while between twtr and the nazi bar it became. Much like the yellow-pages style centralization that facebook rode to meta, this ultimately provided…

  • My birdsite visits are getting shorter

    My birdsite visits are getting shorter

    As I move my online conversational focus to the more open federated spaces (rumors are Tumblr will be plugging in next), I am spending more of my time checking (and debating the cultural norms of) Mastodon, and connecting to folks there, and while I still feel compelled to check Twitter via its website (I removed…

  • This thing on?

    If I did this right, then my blog is now on the Fediverse at — do the double at signs bother any else? @@

  • Music will continue until morale improves

    Music will continue until morale improves

    More music coming soon!

  • Passing Thoughts from 2010-01-14

    designing # designing with a glass of red wine # Boot and Shoe Service on #Yelp: Wanted to try the new restaurant and see Pandora at the Grand Lake. Couldn't get in … # making far-from-pixel-perfect mockups # This is how I do this # Powered by Twitter Tools

  • Passing Thoughts from 2010-01-13 so far i've just perused the workshops and they look fantastic # aw man, too many great sessions to choose from: # Passing Thoughts from 2010-01-12 # Powered by Twitter Tools