Category: Radio Free Blogistan

  • xian's favorite blogs of 2004

    OK, I took a crack at my current subscription list and started off by narrowing it down to 30 or so favorites split among several (sometimes semi-arbitrary) categories: Politics and Media: The Poor Man (feed) James Wolcott (feed) PressThink: Ghost of Democracy in the Media Machine, by Jay Rosen (feed) Fanatical Apathy (feed) Daily Kos:…

  • Best blogs of the year? Feeding On Itself lists the 26 (or 7) best blogs of the year. What are your picks? I’d start with my current OPML reading list and have to whittle it down somehow. Update: Here are Kottke’s favorites.

  • IDG announces RSS conference in New York

    Quoting RSS Conference in NYC (Steve Rubel’s Micro Persuasion): IDG announced a new conference focusing on content syndication. The theme of the inaugural show will be RSS: Risk, Reward and Revolution. The conference is billed as executive-level, and created for content owners and producers, media execs, corporate marketers, advertisers and PR professionals.

  • Take the Blog Poll

    Prove Steve Rubel right: ( Blog Poll): is running a poll: What’s Your Involvement With Blogs? Have my own and update it dailyCheck somebody else’s every dayHave seen one, but don’t read regularlyHave never seen one, but have heard of themWhat’s a blog? Who wants to bet me that the first option will win…

  • Gillmor on Iraq the Model and the new Spirit of America-sponsored Arabic language weblog tool

    Quoting from An Honor: I just had the honor of introducing some extraordinary people to a Silicon Valley audience. They were Jim Hake, CEO and founder of Spirit of America, which I wrote about last spring. His operation is bringing help from U.S. citizens to people who need it in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it’s…

  • Speaking of Martini Republic

    Over on her own blog, mitten defends MR against an apparent attack by alleged right-wing blogger Cathy Siepp (a later date: ms. siepp). In so doing, she brings up an interesting matter that relates to the evergreen metablogging question “Why do we blog?“: Cathy apparently cares most about the links and comments she gets on…