Category: Radio Free Blogistan

  • Howard Dean drinking game

    It won’t be televised on the regular networks, but Howard Dean is scheduled to address the campaign delegates tonight. Here is a drinking game that is circulating among alumni of his wired campaign: Howard Dean Convention Speech Drinking Game 1 shot Any mention of the word idear Any mention of strong, strength, stronger Any bad…

  • My left hand

    AP decided to run with an image of the bloggers’ vantage point down to the floor. That’s Tom Burka in the jacket, David Weinberger to his right and

  • Welcome Calpundit readers

    All the cool dressed bloggers were behind me in the shot… BTW, new visitors, I’m doing most of my convention blogging over at The Power of Many.

  • Good soundbite from Carter

    “the super-rich and their army of lobbyists in Washington.”

  • Heavy hitters

    From left to right: Jay Rosen, David Weinberger, Matt Yglesias, Markos Moulitsas, Atrios, and Jerome Armstrong (at Henry Waxman’s progressive-oriented blogger breakfast this morning)

  • The convention was always going to be blogged

    As I said to Scot Petersen, news editor of eWeek, even if the DNC hadn’t credentialed us bloggers this time around this convention nonetheless would have been blogged by the many delegate-bloggers who were planning to do so anyway. Danny Glover, managing editor of National Journal’s Technology Daily put together a list of official and…