Category: Radio Free Blogistan
- switching from MT to WordPress
Matt Mullenweg announces that
MIT blog survey now three months overdue
What up, fellas? MIT Weblog Survey
Boing Boing publishes hearsay
Over at Uncle John’s blog we’ve been covering the recent Deadhead controversy in a teapot concerning the removal (or rather, prevention of downloading) of 2300 Grateful Dead shows from the Live Music Archive. There are many theories and suppositions floating out there about what motivated the change in policy, as well as a fair amount…
Blogging from New Orleans
My friends Steve and Elizabeth are blogging the reconstruction of New Orleans from within the city: Inside the Bowl. We stay with them when we go to Jazz Fest (nearly every year), and we were very worried about them when the flood and hurricane hit. They evacuated successfully and their house wasn’t harmed, and they’ve…
Subscribe to an email digest of RFB
Bloglet is dead, long live FeedBlitz. I’m trying out a new email-subscription service on this blog. If it works right I’ll probably add it to all my blogs. It seems pretty straightforward. If you’re interested, scan down the sidebar for the section called “Subscribe to RFB” and submit your email address. Then let me know…
MIT blog survey results now two months overdue
What’s up with the MIT Weblog Survey?
Chris Nolan's 'Spot-On'
I meant to blog about this as soon as I heard, but better late than never. Chris Nolan has rebranded and relaunched her journalistic group weblog (time to update those RSS feeds…). It’s now called Spot-On. The new design is polished and handles the ads much more gracefully. Chris Nolan is the site’s editor (and…
Verisign acquires the Weblogs.Com ping server
Confusingly, the news about Verisign buying from Dave Winer hit the wires at about the same time as the news about AOL buying the blog network (referred to in the Times simply as “Weblogs”) from Jason Calacanis. I hope this isn’t Bubble 2.0! Congratulations to Dave for finding a stable home for an…
MIT weblog survey results one month overdue
Come on, guys. I’ve been checking your site daily since September 1: The survey has officially ended, and we are tabulating the results. They should be posted by September 1, 2005, so please check back soon! Thank you for your support, and we will be posting the results shortly. MIT Weblog Survey Team August 19,…
Wanted: better Netflix-blog integration
So I just returned Coffee and Cigarettes and Netflix invites me to give it some stars and maybe review it for my Netflix friends. I guess I can bother to improve their data and their ability to recommend things for me and my friends (not that I’ve ever yet relied on their recommendations), but it…
Blogging a yoga conference
Susan Mernit gave me a head’s up about this wekeend’s YOGA JOURNAL LIVE at ESTES PARK, a conference blog related to The 10th Annual Yoga Journal Colorado Conference (which itself includes a conference-within-a-conference featuring yoga legend Sri B.K.S. Iyengar). The blog is described as “A live conference blog sharing the teaching of BKS Iyengar and…
Welcome, Camilo!
Loyal readers of this weblog may have noticed that we haven’t exactly kept up with the original three-to-seven posts a day pace that I first established in that heady summer of 2002. I’ve been busy with my new job and my other blogs and my other contributors have their own blogs and pursuits distracting them…
Reporters without Borders releases blog-censorship handbook
Via the Beeb: A handbook that offers advice to bloggers who want to protect themselves from recrimination and censors has been released by Reporters Without Borders.
New-school anchor blogs the news business
Brian Williams’ Daily Nightly blog is getting good reviews. (I hope that’s the right link… MSNBC has such fscked up blog URLs.) It makes sense that the anchor to succeed Dan Rather would embrace blogging as a symbol of opening up the newsmaking process. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
What's a trackback?
On the Well’s blog conference we were discussing trackback, who likes ’em and who doesn’t, and a few new bloggers confessed that they didn’t quite grok what trackbacks were really all about. This prompted zorca, aka Suzanne Stefanac, to take a crack at demystifying trackback at her relatively new blog, Dispatches from Blogistan (
Google Blog: This was posted from Microsoft Word
Quoting from Google Blog: This was posted from Microsoft Word: Last July, a few of us visited the Democratic National Convention to see political bloggers in action. Many were using Microsoft Word to post their reports. It was a multi-step process that didn’t look like fun, but for citizen journalists, punctuation, spelling and grammar are…
Blogs (and wikis) help fulfill the read/write web
Sometimes it’s useful to remember that Tim Berners-Lee’s first web browser has an editor built into it, as he reminds us in this BBC interview (Berners-Lee on the read/write web): Towards a rewritable web ML: I’m interested that at what sense you began to sense the possibilities. You weren’t thinking car rental, you weren’t thinking…
Ann Althouse fisks Pajamas Media
I really should get off my ass and get a blogads account. All my blogs together might cover my bandwidth costs, anyway. I don’t think I’m PM material (Charles Johnson creeps me out, for one thing), but even if I were it sounds like a dubious plan. In Althouse: Pajamas Media vs. BlogAds — the…
Brownbloggers west
“Nobody really talks about antiracism, especially in the blogosphere.” – Marian Douglas I remember that my favorite session at SXSW this year was Blogging While Black. Today, not surprisingly, I’m finding the “brownbloggers” session to be again one of the best. There also appears to be much better, much stronger nonwhite representation here (as compared…
Listening to women
Today has been a good exercise in trying to shut up and listen, although I have slipped from time to time and shouted or out or insisted on being heard. Still, for the most part today I’ve been listening and learning. This has to be the best blog conference I’ve been to yet. The range…
Regendering this blog
Here at Blogher I noticed Ka-Ping Yee’s status via rendezvous pointign to a site called I went there and put in the box and it switched the gender of everything it thought was a proper name. Interesting.