Category: Syndication
Morbus Iff says keep Atom name for Pie format
Amphetadesk creator Morbus Iff posted to the Atom Syntax mailing list a proposal that the Pie syndication ‘n’ API format for weblogs just go ahead and use the name Atom and stop all this endless voting. Looks like other list participants have endorsed the idea and votes are now flowing over to Atom. I voted…
Divide my reported hits by 24
At, Scot Hacker points out how RSS skews logs, noting that his NetNewsWire generates a hit on this site’s server logs 24 times a day. Actually, I wish I had a nice web-gui interface for sifting through my raw traffic logs but I currently don’t, so I tend to rely on numbers reported at…
Web to kill RSS?
Vin Crosbie mocks Chris Pirillo’s RSS evangelism with his Why the Web Will Kill RSS. JD Lasica makes note of it and Chris comments that Vin “killed his position through a poorly-crafted parody.” Vin then responds, saying “[W]e can argue this out in true blogger style, on each of our respective blogs…. In other words,…
Autosubscribe: protocol or MIME-type approach
Pete Hopkins and other are debating the best way to enable newsreaders (aggregators) to autosubscribe to RSS feeds directly from the browser. Some, like Pete, prefer the idea of a new news:// protocol for web browsers. The other favored approach is to specify a new MIME type. I’m saying, let’s do both and get at…
'RSS in Depth' presentation by Sam Ruby
Thursday had the most blog-related sessions at Seybold. While I was down on the pavilion floor giving a Blogging 101 free half-hour teaser in the WOW booth, I had to miss Sam Ruby’s RSS in Depth presentation. Fortunately, he posted his slides, so I (and you) can catch up on what I missed. See also…
Four and twenty name ideas
There’s a whole new slew of name suggestions for the project to be formerly known as pie. I was surprised to see one I had suggested in an off-hand way on the #echo channel at freenode (Nota), when during the previous vote, I saw Nick Chalko fretting about what would happen if NOTA won the…
Bare-bones Pie API implementation
Looks like Mark Pilgrim had a productive weekend (Atom API Implementation) and now has working (RESTish, apparently) stripped-down but functional implementation of the the Pie (Mark is still calling it Atom – I will call it Pie until a consensus emerges on a new name) API (application programming interface). I gather this is a proof…
Adding an RSS 2.0 feed to a TypePad blog
The unofficial TypePad User Group is generating a lot of ideas about, and suggestions for, the new Six Apart product. TypePad generated RSS 1.0 and Pie feeds automatically, I gather, but you can add an RSS 2.0 feed if you follow the instructions in the post to the Tips and Tricks category of the forum.
You can syndicate any boat you row
I know I just linked to Lockergnome’s RSS Resource the other day and I’m also aware that I once said I was done posting about RSS here at Radio Free Blogistan. That turned out not to be true, of course, and was mainly a result of frustration about the funk wars. Now I feel good,…
Pie in the face
CNET Newsdotcomdotcom ran the expected food fight / horse race take on the Pie wiki vs. RSS story (emphasis on vs.). The writer didn’t get much beyond the surface and picked up just one distorted reflection among the no doubt numerous possible versions of what’s been going on in blog syndication and interoperability in the…
Pie blogger dinner rollcall
I took a bunch of photos last night but most came out pretty blurry or otherwise skanky. I’ll try to crop and post some here but I expect that better photographers will come up with better shots today or this weekend. Since I’m supposedly a writer and all Marc Canter nominated me to take down…
Syndicate TPM… soon
Talking Points Memo is getting a redesign and… an RSS feed at last.
Pie for French speakers
François Hodierne has written a summary of the Pie project, called Ce n’est plus Echo !, for French speakers who may not be able to keep up with the wiki in English. Though, to be honest, I can think of a few English-speakers, including myself, who have trouble keeping up with the wiki in our…
Beyond title, link, description
Jake Ludington’s been posting some thoughts about RSS in his weblog, since Gnomedex just ended and RSS was in the air there. He questions whether RSS is “all that”, allowing that “RSS (or something like it) is permanently changing the way online publishers deliver content,” but pointing out that “RSS isn’t the magic bullet to…
Update on Pie
Mark’s still calling it Atom. Some people are still calling it Necho. Whatever you call it, Mark Pilgrim has an update on the project to define a vendor-neutral API, archiving, and feed format for weblogs, and a pointer to the API-in-progress and some sample feeds. Myself, I’m returning to the original working title, Pie, until…
Smarter orange with quickSub
Methodize Solutions has released quickSub a Javascript widget for turning the ubiquitous orange XML buttons into something actual clickable. This smarter version of the usual syndication link pops up a contextual menu offering you the choice of subscribing to the feed with one of many aggregator choices: Subscribe to Radio Free Blogistan’s syndicated feed (RSS…
Infoworld covers weblog standards debate
InfoWorld has published a fairly neutral overview of the current state of RSS and the Atom effort: Debate flares over Weblog standards by Cathleen Moore.
Prepended URI for feed autosubscription
Pete Hopkins (This Pirate Kills Fascists) rounds up some recent posts about feed subscription in Telling An Aggregator To Subscribe. Besides my recent entry on this subject, he summarizes a Kevin Burton (NewsMonster) post called Aggregator Subscription Mechanisms and one by Scott Johnson (Feedster) called A Suggeston for Aggregators. Pete supports the prepended URI approach…
Autosubscription to newsfeeds
As Stanton Finley pointed out in my comments, AOL‘s explanation of RSS mentions that the link to the feed is not meant to be viewed in a web browser. They’ve clearly thought about the problem of people clicking those ubiquitous orange XML and RSS buttons. I’m wondering if there’s some way to tell the browser…
Harvard to host RSS 2.0 spec
Reportedly, the RSS 2.0 spec is moving from UserLand’s servers to those of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School, the copyright is becoming a Creative Commons license, and Dave Winer, founder and former CEO of UserLand, currently a Berkman fellow, has appointed an advisory board initially consisting of himself, Jon…
Radio aggregator eats pie
Dave Winer has hacked the ability to read pie feeds (a moving target) into the Radio aggregator (Radio UserLand : Radio gets some kind of Echo support). Welcome to RFB, where it’s all syndication all the time.