Category: Syndication

  • How-To: Podcasting (aka How to get Podcasts and also make your own) – Engadget – ++

    Engagdget published a guide to podcasting (time-shifted syndicated online audio/radio type content developed and popularized by Dave Winer and Adam Curry) by Phillip Torrone back in October of this year (pretty fast out of the gate): Quoting from How-To: Podcasting (aka How to get Podcasts and also make your own) : This week’s How-To is…

  • Aggregator watch

    Clearing out an old TypePad test blog, I’m porting over some relevant comments from the beta, such as this one from when I noticed that there was no built-in aggregrator (I misplaced the date, but it was sometime in 2003 and I’m though filing a few others around their original datestamps in the RFB chronolog,…

  • Insert quip about reverse-engineering USENET here

    Laura Lemay isn’t the first person to point out that the blogosphere seems to be gradually reinventing the USENET netnews feature set (feeds == usenet), but it’s fun to read her make these points: Why am I noting these things? Issues of distributing news in either a one-to-many fashion or peer-to-peer, or of uniquely identifying…

  • Sam Ruby calls for RSS/Atom détente

    Sam Ruby suggests that there is no one-size-fits-all syndication format and recommends a spirit of cooperation and mutual support to the extent possible.

  • Structuring blog entries for scanning

    Jon Udell, one of the deeper thinkers around on matters of weblog, syndication, journalism, and information overload has come up with some important “best practices” suggestions for structuring weblog entries to facilitate efficient scanning by readers trying to follow many information sources through their RSS feeds, in Heads, Decks, and Leads: I’m reversing my former…

  • The mountain goes to Mohamet

    Looks like there’s forward motion on some client-side applications of the feed validator, spurred on by some recent posts by Brent Simmons, Mark Pilgrim, and others.