Category: Typepad

  • Farewell to Typepad

    Typepad is cool. I beta-tested it, I’ve been a member since 2003. But I don’t really need it. I host my own MT blogs and there’s WordPress and so on. The blogs I set up on TP to test it suffer from neglect. Recently I was reminded of TP and went to log in only…

  • Test of Liza's trackback ping metablog

    At least at the Plus level I don’t seem to be able to tell TP to automatically ping this address for each post. I’m going to check and see if I can do it manually now.

  • Ah, moved

    This blog is now at, and it’s just a sandbox right now. If anything comes of it, I’ll point a custom domain this way ( isn’t doing much). Possible uses in mind: Photoblog. Not a Photo album, but a blog of just photos. Each entry one photo, etc. A demo blog for my Seybold…

  • Decisions, decisions

    OK, I went for the Plus level and a year’s service. I’m still hoping to change the root URL and I’ll probably wipe the other two blogs I created for experimental purposes because I’ll only be getting three here with that level of service.

  • My TypePad address is changing

    I’m still trying to decide which level of TypePad user to become, even though my heart lies with Movable Type and the rumored Pro version of that to come. I need to find out, can I buy in at one level and lock-in the beta-tester lifetime deal, and then change my level at a later…

  • On the first day of TypePad…

    This week Six Apart will be highlighting a different set of features every day and simultaneously lifting the limited NDA terms for beta testers with regard to those features. By the end of the week we’ll be free to talk about anything TypePad. I’ll try to post some comments about the featured features sometime today.

  • TypePad beta tester mailing list

    Ray Angel, who is running the community-encouraging @TypePad blog, has started a YahooGroups mailing list for TypePad beta testers. Details for joining and adding a badge to your weblog here: @TypePad: TypePad Beta Yahoo Group

  • Yum! Foodie weblog

    In my continuing random survey of good TypePad blogs, I have now stumbled upon a lovely weblog about food, one of my favorite topics (hey, if it pertains to pleasure in some form, count me in): The Food Section.

  • Are we not snobs?

    @TypePad is doing a good job of covering the TypePad OG movement.

  • TypePad community emerging

    Apparently, if you build a “recently updated” page, they will come. Start over at authenticgeek to join the party talking about a TypePad community. See elsewhere for TypePad Snob (TPS) syndrome. It will be interesting to see how the software complements the automated update page as a community-builder. Easy photo albums, a place for your…

  • Beta breakers

    Come on, let’s really take this baby for a spin. I want to see tiremarks on the tarmac and little bits of chrome making sparks as they skitter across the pavement. Jane, stop this crazy thing!

  • List of TypePad sites

    Anil wants to see how fast we can disseminate this link to a constantly updated list of a TypePad sites. Well…?

  • First post

    Damn! Someone got in there first. No wait, that was me. OK, idea for second TypePad testblog, something with FOAF…. Funny, before the concept of urban legend caught on, those hearsay tales (hook in car door, lie down whitey, etc.) were often called friend-of-a-friend stories since people tended to claim they really happened to a…