Category: Weblog Concepts

  • This thing on?

    This thing on?

    If I did this right, then my blog is now on the Fediverse at — do the double at signs bother any else? @@

  • Digestif


    I lay awake a while back having returned recently from Paris by way of Dublin pondering why we sleep, a question I thought long ago routed by the much deeper why do we wake at all, when it came to me from that other brain: we sleep to digest. This website apparatus also benefits from…

  • …and we’re back again

    …and we’re back again

    As I brushed off the old ‘bblog a month or so back, I decided to go ahead and update to latest version of WordSquisher, the software I use to run this site these days. I conveniently forgot that some of my plugins were obsolete and are starting to misbehave or had big labels on them…

  • Get-rich-quick blog spam

    It’s been interesting to watch the evolutionary dance of spam and blogs. Comment spam. Trackback spam. Splogs. Now here’s a bit of email spam targetting the would-be pro blogger: >Hi, > >I don’t like to waste valuable time of creative blogmasters. >But I cann’t resist myself from this tempting offer too. Hello, you may know…

  • How much to disclose?

    The whole idea of living your life partly on the web, partly in public brings to mind new subtleties to the boundary between public and private. There are all kinds of shades of gray, nuances between what’s utterly private and what we are comfortable sharing with everyone on the planet. Meanwhile, the available tools are…

  • Extending blogging with structure

    Catching up with Marc Canter I see that he and his cohorts have unveiled Structured Blogging. Looks interesting. I’ll need to try out the plugin(s) to see if the data-entry overhead makes sense for me. Paul Kedrosky thinks I’m (well, all of us are) too lazy to make it work. He may be right. I…

  • Rameses the first war blogger?

    David D. Perlmutter writes in his Policy by Blog weblog, in an entry called Blogs of War: Then and Now: > In c. 1300 BCE, the pharaoh Rameses II and his army fought a battle against a Hittite army at Kadesh, in what is now Syria. The battle was a draw; in fact, the Egyptians…

  • Wanted: better Netflix-blog integration

    So I just returned Coffee and Cigarettes and Netflix invites me to give it some stars and maybe review it for my Netflix friends. I guess I can bother to improve their data and their ability to recommend things for me and my friends (not that I’ve ever yet relied on their recommendations), but it…

  • What's a trackback?

    On the Well’s blog conference we were discussing trackback, who likes ’em and who doesn’t, and a few new bloggers confessed that they didn’t quite grok what trackbacks were really all about. This prompted zorca, aka Suzanne Stefanac, to take a crack at demystifying trackback at her relatively new blog, Dispatches from Blogistan (

  • The blogger lifecycle

    MJ nails the lifecycle of a blogger. It’s almost painfully accurate.

  • Blogging 'not a fad'

    Phew! (The future of blogging | CNET (via PDF)

  • One man's lonely fight against comment spam

    Scot Hacker offers to explain why he has resorted to requiring comment registation on Birdhouse-hosted blogs: Field Notes on Comment Registration

  • Tony Pierce's 'How to Blog'

    Tony, whom I finally got a chance to meet at SXSW this year (and who’s as funny and personable in person as his online presence would imply) published this list of advices on blogging in his busblog last year. He’s now got a book out with the same title from Café Press and I’ve…

  • Metaspam

    I don’t know how well the Web Spam Squashing Summit went, but Dave Sifry’s blog post announcing it is currently overrun with spam comments.

  • Blogging as a public relations skill

    B.L. Ochman’s tips on How To Write Killer Blog Posts are geared toward’s PR professionals but are general enough to apply across the board to blogging. In fact, isn’t all blogging a form of public relations? Don’t we all need to write pithy headlines and grabby leads if we want the public to notice and…

  • Post early and often

    Duncan Riley from the Blog Herald has it write. Some the best ways to drive up blog traffic are to post in (or before) the morning (for your main audience) and post frequently.

  • Pogue welcomes advice

    David Pogue welcomes suggestions about how to improve his new weblog.

  • Disclosing blog sponsors

    Now that Marc Canter is spearheading a kind of transparent blog-payola system for compensating bloggers, the issue of full disclosure of one’s sponsors and or influences seems all the more important. For example, here is the disclosure about the ZeroDegrees sponsorship of the new Operating Manual for Social Tools weblog: About The Project: ZeroDegrees has…

  • How-To: Podcasting (aka How to get Podcasts and also make your own) – Engadget – ++

    Engagdget published a guide to podcasting (time-shifted syndicated online audio/radio type content developed and popularized by Dave Winer and Adam Curry) by Phillip Torrone back in October of this year (pretty fast out of the gate): Quoting from How-To: Podcasting (aka How to get Podcasts and also make your own) : This week’s How-To is…

  • Does blogging need an ethics committee?

    Quoting from Blog Ethics Committee, Blog Publishers Association, and the evil Word of Mouth Marketing folks – The Jason Calacanis Weblog – :  Nick Denton put up a pleasantly surprising post today, complimenting me for being a “volunteer watchdog” for blog ethics. He proposes Jeff Jarvis and I start a blog ethics committee…

  • Linkin' logs due for some rethinking

    At Tom Coates has some ideas for how link logs should work in this day and age: So Paul Hammond created webkit2png which is a lovely little command-line script for a Mac that goes and grabs a full screenshot of a web-page – full length on the page. It can also do a variety…