Category: Weblog Concepts
Blog comment moderation controversy
His playpen his rules, if you ask me (and you didn’t, and it’s too late now): Sam Ruby reserves the right…
Buy, buy!
Hmm, the valuation of RFB just keeps going up at Blogshares. Looks like Chris Pirillo bought 1000 shares recently. We’re up to $22,000ish overall. I’m sure that’s chump change on the big board, but I do like the shape of those graphs. Does it matter that I don’t have the blogshares logo permanently in my…
Radio silence
I’m bringing my server down for maintenance. You can only hack my home page so many times (three, to be exact) before I decide to do something about it. My sysadmin/friend/host Jeff Tiedrich will be updating our Linux install from an old Slackware version to a more recent Red Hat version said to have more…
Sell, sell!
Tom Coates has de-listed RFB from his coveted small blogroll over at Plasticbag. Thus we may have reached a high point in our blogshares standings after a fairly steep runup this past month or so. Hey, I warned y’all work was going to cut into my blogging!
Dave damns Six Apart with faint praise
Dave often complains when people praise Six Apart products that Userland offered whatever feature in discussion years ago. Maybe that’s not the point? Or maybe people are just jealous because he’s rich and influential? (He also likes to use Manila sometimes as his counterexample against Movable Type when people make comparisons, but Manila is not…
One of this space’s favorite blogs, more of a daily news commentary column really, is going at least on hiatus: Death and Blogs. In this case, it’s us. The Raven bows out now, and hopes you’ve enjoyed reading this Weblog as much as we’ve enjoyed writing it. For now, it’s time to focus on other…
metageneric antiblog spot
Heading making clever pun on ‘blog’: i’m a journalist. see my daring posture vis-a-vis blogs: they are too influential to too small a group of people. popular bloggers are bad and the taste of the blogosphere is incorrect or corrupted. google is making things worse. it’s giving me opinions when i expect primary sources. me…
Get your facts straight
I’m getting tired of these “anti-blog screed so please, bloggers, all link to me” pseudcontrarian protobacklash articles. Most of them are as glib and boring as the worst blogs and they don’t tend to even get the facts right. For example in, Blog eats blog, the author talks about ETCon and A List bloggers, writing…
Microsoft blogs
Adam Barr has posted an interesting thinkpiece about Microsoft bloggers at kuro5hin. He mainly addresses the idea of Microsoft employees blogging and a bit about MS’s attitude toward the blogosphere. He says, for example, It is highly doubtful that Microsoft is making an official push to dominate blogspace, which would be impossible in any case.…
Blogs and the newshour
I missed this last week when the Lehrer Newshour (on PBS) did a segment on weblogs and journalism. It’s basically just an overview, though it does feature Joshua Marshall and the Trent Lott story.
'Radio Userland Kick Start' breakthrough
I posted a note on Rogers Cadenhead’s blog, similar to what I posted here about the fact that Rogers’s book represents a watershed or breakthrough because it’s not about weblogs in general but covers one specific tool. Dave Winer posted a followup comment agreeing and I found myself writing an extended reply. It got so…
First book on a single blog tool
I’ve been following the blog book market pretty closely this last year and with the recent Google acquisition of Pyra to get Blogger and Neotony investment in Six Apart to support Movable Type and then TypPad, it’s kind of cool to note that the firstr book dedicated to a single specific blog tool is on…
Dean Allen to offer TextPattern hosting
In my aggregator today (must be a trend), as I’m downloading digiphotos from the first day of Jazz Fest: TextBox. So this is what’s been chewing up the time. There are a number of options in the works for making available paid website hosting integrated with Textpattern (this site’s inchoate but durn near ready content…
The feeling of vacation
“Are you going to do any blogging when you’re here?” my friend S asked me. I told him probably not. Maybe I’ll upload some digital pix from around town or from the crowds (or stage shots) at Fest. But I did have to get online to send a file I had been unable to send…
Selective demagoguery update
I see lots of kvetching over at Instapundit today about details of the looting, convoluted meta-arguments about WMD, and the strange idea that Tim Robbins and Michael Moore have claimed that they’ve been repressed “by the system” while straw-liberals the world around have ignored Castro’s crimes. (Has anyone compared Hollywood union techs and baseball hagiography…
Anonymous weblog publishing
Want to rant about your boss without getting fired, or criticize the Bush administration without having your patriotism called into question? You might want to check out Invisiblog, an anonymous weblog publishing service.
More TypePad linkage
TypePad personal publishing service Six Log: Six Apart milestones Six Apart announces TypePad Personal Publishing service Six Apart announces new Weblogging service, investment, executives and board Six Apart names Anil Dash as Vice President of business development I’d call this another shoe dropping after the Google/Pyra breakthrough earlier this year.
Ben Hammersley previews TypePad
Six Apart, the makers of Movable Type will be launching a new hosted service called TypePad that will go head-to-head with Userland and Google’s popular Radio and Blogger hosting options. MT has long been ascendant among the technogeek crowd, but prohibitively difficult to install and host for non-websavvy newbies. It appears that this new application/service…
I'll be the guy with the sunglasses and the straw hat
I thought this Anil Dash weblog entry looked familiar: I’m off to SF for O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference on Tuesday. I’m going against the grain this year by taking my laptop along, “blogging” in “realtime”, and taking digital photos of people. If there’s a box, I am out of it. If you’re attending as well,…
Weird search referrer of the day
Someone found my blog via an Excite search for excrement free movie eat, unfortunately.