Category: Weblog Concepts

  • Hit 'em where they ain't

    Blogfather Glenn Reynolds advises would-be webloggers to pioneer underreported topics, instead of crowding into overpopulated subject-areas, such as war and politics, in The Next Wave at Tech Central Station: There are lots of political/national security blogs (“warblogs” as they’re sometimes called, though most of them spend a lot of times on non-war subjects). There’s always…

  • Does your blog have a blog?

    Chuck “Blogumentary” Olsen and Lori “Secret Farm” Idontknowherlastname have started a blog together called MetaSecret MicroFarm in which they are blogging about their blogs. I tell you, it’s infinite regresses all the way down.

  • My secret life

    Kaye Trammell offers some tips on how to keep a secret blog secret. [via Scripting News]

  • Better life logging

    My blogging ebbs and flows, a bunch of photos one month, personal diary agonies another six weeks, geeking out for half a year, private blogs, lots of tinkering with interface and layout and mucking around with the data, then periods with lots of handwritten offline journaling and not much blogging at all. Lately, my life…

  • Blood's Law

    Rebecca Blood writes: [>] Blood’s Law of Weblog History: The year you discovered weblogs and/or started your own is ‘The Year Blogs Exploded’. Corollary: the year after you started your blog is the beginning of ‘Weblog Permanent September.’ Anil’s Corollary: The first weblog you read is the one that invented the medium. [anil dash] [ 01/06/04 ]

  • We treat non sequiturs as spam

    A bit of administrivia: If you drop by this weblog and leave a random-sounding comment on some old entry, chances are I will simply assume you are spamming us and delete the comment and ban you forthwith. This morning I deleted just such a message. The site linked didn’t seem especially unpleasant (that is, it…