Category: Weblog Concepts

  • Preserve us from red herrings!

    Yet another gee whiz piece about blogging, this one predictably following up on the Google purchase of Pyra. Of course people are trying to commercialize blogging, which has mostly boostrapped itself from the grassroots thus far (mostly). There’s nothing wrong with that. But this article is breathless, it smacks of the mania that surrounded the…

  • Numerology on the cheap

    I really enjoyed this Pushing the Biscuit piece by our local Preacher-with-a-heart-of-gold. Also, what great readers he’s cultivated! What blogger wouldn’t envy his community? Must be a lesson in there somewhere. I notice as I paste the URL for the cited article ( into various places that it was article 66 on the 6th of…

  • Camfoolery

    Been geeking around on a PC again. Borrowed a Dell for an upcoming documentation project and been bidding on Thinkpad’s on ebay for another project. (Found out I’m going to be working with my old friend Molly on the project I can’t talk about yet, which is cool! Maybe I’ll even get onto her Famous…

  • Is there an award for most-boring blog?

    And, if so, can I nominate myself for it? Here’s some boring stuff: my referrers. Like what’s up with that? No, but seriously. It’s funny when a referrer is on an intranet or password-protected site. I go try to check out the link – props or put-down? – and I can’t get in! At least…

  • Changed my blogchalk icon

    How’s that for administrivia? Still never submitted anything to the 5line site, but I do like that li’l icon.

  • Work more, blog less

    Seems like as I workload heats up and my deadlines start compounding, I am blogging less. Sometimes this is not the case. Often there are delicate webs of interdependent procrastinations at work. Then I can accomplish much while still feeling bad about something important I’m not doing. This feels more like a fast. A little…

  • Ken Layne looking for online column

    If there’s any blogger out there who deserves a decent-paying column gig, it’s Ken Layne. He’s got the writing chops, the journalism dues paid, and the blog cred. What more is required?

  • Are you a blogging addict?

    Take Joi Ito’s simple blog addiction test to see.

  • Blog book update

    Nobody yet has made a killing selling blog yets (as far as I know), but they keep coming. Molly Holzschlag‘s Teach Yourself Blogging in 24 Hours is due out next month, and Wiley’s Hungry Mind’s division (formerly IDG) has decided to go ahead with Blogging for Dummies (to the dismay of Meg, whose We Blog…

  • Ev confirms Google Blogspot AdWords

    Just noticed today that Ev’s hiatus was remarkably short. A new design for his blog includes a disclaimer that he is not speaking for his employer. Anyway, as we speculated here a few days ago, Google is indeed targeting ads on Blogspot pages. Makes sense.

  • Curious juxtaposition No. 1

    On November 22, last year, I wrote: I love J.Ro’s weblog … but sometimes his inside-the-company voice gets distracting. I was picturing him commenting on NASA’s new space planes, by posting something like: “Those bureaucrats are crazy building a new round of smaller space shuttles. What they really need is a Manila server and just…

  • Overview of moving a Radio blog to a new host

    A friend planning a host change (from an address based on usernum to a custom domain name) asked me for advice on making the move. Based on my own experience, I tossed off a list of things to do roughly in order. Warning: I may have left out something crucial! This list is a work…

  • i didn't do it!

    been blogging too much lately, need to inhale a bit, step back, tighten the filter, play some cards closer to the chest, work offline. but stream of jottings notes, nonincriminating, can easily to publicly or privately. any reason to publish raw stream? so anyway, the cowgirl attributes an upskirt beaver shot to me to the…

  • Why publishers shouldn't host weblogs and how they should

    Tom Coates, the A-List hunk who once called this humble blog “astoundingly useful” (or something like that &8211; it was in my comments and they’re not searchable and I’m not together enough to capture testimonials on the spur of the moment) offers a cogent analysis of why content publisher shouldn’t host weblogs, meaning mainstream media…

  • JemBlog to offer "semantic blogging" using RDF

    Danny Ayers posted to the cmsblogapidev mailing list today in response to a question posted to the list: “Does anyone have strong opinions about databases here? if so, do they extend beyond uses for mysql?” His reply: I don’t know about it being a strong opinion, but I believe in the context of cms and…

  • Joined Salon Bloggers webring

    Another gesture of solidarity. Posting mainly to reload the page.

  • Mama, what's a stigmergy?

    Over a month ago Scot Hacker sent me an interesting link via Weblogsky to Joe Gregorio’s post about the web, Google, webogs, and stigmergy. I noted it down as something to investigate and write about and the electronic pile promptly accumulated on top of it. I wondered about the root of the word. Is it…

  • Playing with the MT-RSSfeed plugin

    So far I’ve tried several different methods for aggregating posts from multiple blogs onto one page. One method is the multiauthor tool I use in Radio to pick up the RSS feeds from my other blogs and post them to the x-syndicate category here at RFB. Then if I want those posts to show up…

  • Texpattern public beta

    In my continuing but insane effort to download and install just about every blog or thin-CMS tool I can find, I’ve got Dean Allen‘s Textpattern up and running on my server. For the moment, I’m using it for a dummy blog currently called x-ism. It’s not all working yet, and I’m still getting the hang…

  • administrivia: New Blogrolls

    Just added: Well Bloggers, Salon Bloggers. After that the usual C-List, Partisan Hacks, Web Design Gurus, and reciprocators. One day I’ll get my OPML act together. (The Salon blogroll was already on the “salonika” page but I’m adding it to the main RFB page now, as we try to knit together and weather the latest…

  • Aft gang agly

    Thought I was so clever banking URLs for later blogging on my bookmarks toolbar in Chimera (Navigator) till it just became another pile like all the stacks of paper in my real world. How long before my browsing window is down to a tickertape?