Tag: writing

  • You are your own words

    I’ve been following the upsetting story of how Kathy Sierra, creator of the Head First book series, author of the Creating Passionate Users weblog, and noted speaker on the web / technology circuit was frightened into cancelling her scheduled appearance at eTech by a series of escalating threats to her personal safety in the form…

  • See, I have actually been blogging this past year

    While I’ve been neglecting this and many other of my Mediajunkie blogs in the past year and a half (excuse: full-time work, baybee), I have actually been blogging. While at Extractable I launched a spearheaded a user-experience focused blog called Extra! Extra! and wrote something for it nearly every workday for about a year. Actually,…

  • I'm a weiner

    The novel isn’t done. Well, the month isn’t over until midnight tonight, and I haven’t hit “The End” yet but am aiming to do so sometime today. But I crossed the finish line from the National Novel Writing Month perspective last night when I exceeded 50,000 words written in November. w00t! It only took my…

  • That time again

    Last year I did National Novel Writing Month and managed to bang out 30,000 words of my novel For You, The Stars. I wrote nearly every day of the month and averaged slightly more than 1000 words a day, short of the 50,000 word target for NaNoWriMo participants but still a heckuva lot more fiction…

  • A writer's dream

    Last night I had one of those long elaborate dreams with several movements in it. Near the end, though, just before I woke up, I was in a big bed after a long night and Oprah Winfrey showed up in my hotel room I think it was. She was going to get in bed with…

  • National Novel Editing Month

    “Enough with the Grateful Dead already,” writes so-called Bill. “What happened to Cecilia?” Well, I didn’t get into the 50,000-words-in-November winners circle. (Some people hit that number in the first week! I on the other hand, have a life.) I did, however, hit my personal goal of 30,000 words by Nov 29 and I took…

  • December 18? I'll take it

    Warning… adult content.

  • A novel a day keeps the doctor away

    So far, so good. B and I went away for the weekend to celebrate my birthday but I’ve posted two installments of my daily NaNoWriMo effort today to make up for it. There’s a lot to be said for writing fast without fear or favor.

  • Happy NaNoWriMo

    I took the plunge this year and signed up for National Novel Writing Month. I’ll be “doing it” over at A Supposedly Staggering Infinite Work of Heartbreaking Illumination I’ll Never Read. I also have a profile page over at the nanowrimo site. The novel I’m working on is called For You, The Stars Wish me…

  • Eight years before the blog

    One thing about starting my first online journal on my birthday back in 1997 is it makes it pretty easy to keep my blogiversary straight.

  • Go see Cecil next week!

    Next Tuesday night (October 18th), Cecil aka Dan aka Cecil will be reading various poems and poem-like shtick at C’era Una Volta, located in the heart of The Island City (aka Alameda). Says Dan^H^H^HCecil: They’re even being nice enough to provide free appetizers, for reasons I can’t quite figure out. So maybe I just dreamt…

  • Mr. Sun on teh funny

    Mr. Sun: Humor on the Web – what I’ve learned and where I’ve learned it is an online version of Mr. Sun’s presentation from this past week’s SXSW. All of the advice is good, but the last point must become your mantra: When in doubt: robots and monkeys.


    My new motto is What would Philip K. Dick Do?

  • It's official


  • My internet radio debut

    Yes, that’s me, originating the part of Guy Forcips in Bill Cassel’s delightful radioteleplay now current in rotation at Monkey Vortex Radio Theater: Everybody Loves Money Available in plain, and peanut.

  • Hot damn

    It’s too early to celebrate but I just resubmitted Chapter 9, the final chapter of my book, the recursive, regressive one about media and publishing and information and knowledge and journalism and books and this book itself. That leaves one chapter left to rewrite. Of course it’s the politics chapter, the biggest mother in the…

  • Breaking for lunch

    Even the fugitive has to do it. I print out chapters six and five, prepare to mark them up in pen while wolfing down a bagel and whtefish sandwhich after buying some lox for the flight on southwest tomorrow. (bagels out, po’boys back, that’s our motto). On return (from lunch, not n’awlins), I will key…

  • Why At Swim-Two-Birds?

    My last few Macs have had their hard drives named after Irish or Celtic literary takes on mythology. The last one was Tir-na n’Og and the current one is At Swim-to-Birds. Phil Gyford republishes Donald Barthelme’s reading list and while DB claims it is in no particular order, of course it is in an order…

  • spylist?

    At one point, I used to blind cc my agent any email I sent that might lead to a book deal. There was a time I used to blind cc my academic deadhead friend every fascinating bit of music information or dialogue or culture i saw online. That was a form of blogging. If Nicholas…

  • The marketing plan

    It consists mostly of names, people I’ve spoken to or will email or have chatted with or plan to, many of whom I plan to quote, have interviewed already, or are being featured in some other way. There’s also the web and radio marketing plans to think through. TV would be good too. People have…

  • Cranky soup

    When we run out of stuff at home, when we remember, we write it up on the whiteboard magnetically attached to the fridge, so next time I go shopping, if I remember to check the whiteboard, I can remember to get whatever it is we’ve run out of, on top of the usual stuff I…