Comments on Publication-Hosted Blogs

You’ll come for the blogging insight; you’ll stay for the Buffy rumors. The beautifully designed site includes an interesting discussion in its weblog of this new trend of publications hosting blogspaces:

It doesn’t take a genius to gather what is happening in corporate world at the moment – weblogs are ‘in’ – they’ve finally stopped being fashionable, and so are suddenly now becoming acceptable to the mainstream. Your executive at suddenly thinks that weblogging is the heart of the internet – the web finally fulfilling its promise. And of course they’re right… But does understanding the importance of weblogs and weblogging correspond to understanding how an information publisher should relate to weblogs and weblogging? I would say no….

[via Blogpopuli]
metacomment: I have to make sure I don’t just turn this site into a crib of blogroots! I’ll do my best to send them some info they don’t have when possible.

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One response to “ Comments on Publication-Hosted Blogs”

  1. Radio Free Blogistan Avatar

    A yearful of

    The “On this date” feature in my sidebar (effectively a “one year ago today” listing) has been really fun since I put it in place on this weblog’s one-year anniversary. For one thing, I can’t believe how much blogging I was doing a year ago. Some of th…