Add The Julie Powell to the list (along with Salam Pax) of bloggers whose weblogs have landed them sweet book deals.
Congratulations to Julie for conceiving of her brilliant project and then – most importantly – executing it. So now, is the book going to just be a slightly edited rendition of the yearlong cooking project or is it some other kind of derivative work?
The Julie/Julia book
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8 responses to “The Julie/Julia book”
Agenda and Radio-Bissness of “Julia”
in Germany and Nice, conected with “Springer
Thanks a lot, Radio “Freder-Free” of “Julia”!!!
Hi, my nameis Julia Freder,
I had wrote my name in the guestbookof Radio-Malongo, witch was part of
I did not know, that there was a Radiostation,
with the same name as mine, called “Julia”,
or even “Freder”, just like my last Familiename!
I feel very Sorry, that I had caused your
Agenda/Radio-bussiness trouble with this.
Love allways: Julia Freder of Radio Malongo/Nice
I don
This letter is concerning: “Agenda Freder and Agenda (Lilly)-LIZZ,
with their Fransisko Xavier de Assis
Sao George-Social-Parroquial
Pour ta mettre en coleur avec ta pate ORANGE en NICE:
One of mynames is MARX-er. My Daddies name was FRED.
We used to have a Pharm with lot
Hello again,
My name is Danny Danukkesch da Danonies,
mother of Lilly pommaux!
tres conosid
The brown and green eyed Bowes, allways opening a new chapter of…
Catkills, our house2 and an emptyCampingbus under the Pinetrees, across
the street from our neighbors and…
coming back to home Nr.1, somewhere close to Warwick!!!
Little Jenny,myneighboors daughter, of an musician familie, with one green
and brown eye asking meif I allready hadheared about the new
“Adgar Allen Poe” record,
>>>>>>>>>from EmersonLake and Palmers!
13 years later, deathly sick in Swizz and France, somewhere in Annecy
theyhad taken care of me in an hospital for 4 month.
There was a nurse called Eugenia and I had a social assistand there, and
he had a brown and green eye just like Jenny.
2 months after he took care, so I can stay in that hospital, suddenly a lots
of italiens came in, making fun of some swizen tourist by immitating
there ways, and with them some portugies, that were something like
with red airdragonflighter around that town, one surculating actually the
top of the tippoint touwerroof from the church.