Designing social interfaces at Web Directions South 2009

I had a great time presenting at Web Directions South 2009. J.J. Halans took some wonderful photos at the event, such as the one showing the Where’s Waldo slide (above) and this one (showing Erin’s awesome visualization behind me):

The slides by themselves are only part of the story of course but I’ve just posted them to slideshare (now synced with the audio podcast to make a “slidecast”):

Designing Social Interfaces at Web Directions South 2009

Here’s the video webcast that went out live on twitcam:

Here’s the podcast:

You may find Matt Balara’s sketchnotes (first page, second page) useful as well:

Or check out Daniel Bogan’s one-page sketchnotes!

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6 responses to “Designing social interfaces at Web Directions South 2009”

  1. Jye Smith Avatar

    Great presentation mate! Wish I could have seen it in person. Will be posting this on my site too!

  2. […] Christian Crumlish is one brilliant guy: is curator of the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library, a director of theInformation Architecture Institute, a member of the Open Web Foundation, and co-chair of the monthly BayCHI program. […]

  3. Vince Avatar

    It’s a shame there wasn’t a video made of Christians presentation at WDS09. I forgot a lot of things.

  4. Vince Avatar

    And yes, it was the best presentation at WDS :)

  5. xian Avatar

    Vince, you are very kind.

    I’m pretty sure the audio (at least) was recorded and will appear as a podcast on the WDS site (I’ll post an update when it does, and I’ll see about syncing it with the slides as well).

    And, of course (I have to say it), you can always buy the book. :D