Category: long story short

  • Long time no me

    My sister emailed me the other day to say she hadn’t heard from me for a while. She reads my bloggingses, so that’s a sure sign that I’ve been radio silent for a while. I’m fine. I’ve been traveling a lot and working hard and I’ve had some computer troubles with my Mac laptop at…

  • prehistoric blogging

    So I’m slogging through Enterzone fixing vandalized pages from the last few rounds of hackery and I come across the abortive stub of what looks like an attempt to start a blog back in 1998 called unvironmental news. I’ve added the entry into this my modren online journal, as its own entry dated April 8,…

  • The N-Judah blues

    It’s been years since I’ve ridden the N-Judah muni streetcar on a regular basis but for a while there back in the late ’80s and early ’90s I practically lived on it. I rode it to get downtown, to get to BART, to get to the east bay, to get to Dead shows. It was…

  • Because I don't have enough bios on the interweb

    Finally signed up for an account at Boxes and Arrows (the premier journal of information architecture on the web), so this makes yet another place where a rapidly ossifying bio of mine is bound to fall off my radar. If I ever get my comprehensive personal site organized, I may need a big list of…

  • Hanging with luminaries at the Frog Design party

    Christian and Jesse Garrett Originally uploaded by jonl. The party itself was kind of like a bad college mixer, with kegs of Miller Lite and a silly cover band in a large cement warehouse loading dock. I did have the chance to chat (or shout) with some interesting people there. This picture was taken by…

  • SXSW namedropping

    I’ve been jotting down a partial list of the people I’ve been meeting (some old friends, some for the first time) in the halls and at the parties here in Austin. I’m sure I’m forgetting various cool somebodies and I’ll update the list when my memory coughs up new names (and when I go through…