Category: long story short

  • The real John Kerry

    The right sure has found their swing when it comes to Kerry bashing this week. Turns out, and here’s a huge surprise, John Kerry has a problem with the truth. Wow. That came outta left field. Can’t these yahoos at least come up with a new line? What Gore must be thinking right about now….…

  • Undecided?

    I’m actually pro-Kerry (despite the unpleasantness of him beating my candidate in the primaries), but this John Kerry is a Douchebag but I’m Voting for Him Anyway .com site is probably not too bad a way to reach out to the undecideds who aren’t wowed by his persona. (Pardon the French.)

  • No to Reinstating the Draft!

    Now the US Army is floating the idea of reinstating the draft. That is sooo typical of the Army. Sure they are concerned that the best prospects are going to the prestige services like the Marines and the Air Force. They should be concerned. But how about stepping up to the challenge? How about making…

  • Hold the carburetors!

    Maybe I just don’t get it. Did there used to be like all kinds of dangerous carburetors in all our food? I don’t think so! But, wow, the agribusiness conglomerates are rushing to protect us (like they really care!), so every package of anything in the store just has to let us know–in great big…

  • Life is good

    Much to blog about from the last few weeks (pop culture conference in Texas, publishing / technology conference in Berkeley, and now here I am posting from New Orleans), but too much big fun to want to sit in front of a computer posting to the blog, so ideally it will all come pouring out…


    Never ask yourself, “What would I do in this situation?”