Category: Music

  • Holy shit!

    Coming soon…! The Dead Vault on your freaking iPod.

  • The spellchecker suggests Crumpets

    For no good reason I’m pushing a meme today, echoing it through the mediajunkiesphere and sending out an annoying Orkut announcement to my regretting- it- already friends. It may work or it may not but pouting never accomplished anything. The spellcheckers has some funny suggestions for how to spell my name.

  • spellchecker suggestions for Crumlish

    Crumbles Crumbliest Crumbs Crumples Crumbiest Crumbling Crummiest Crumpling Crumbing Rules Crumb Crumble Crumple Crumbled Crumpets Crumpled Crusts Crucify Crudity Crumbed

  • Why are most popular political bloggers men?

    The Columbia Journalism Review’s Campaign Desk blog recently ran an interesting article treading that familiar territory of comparing the abundance of public-minded outspoken masculine weblogs with the paucity of famous political blogs by women. The author of The Blogosphere: Boys ‘n’ Their Toys (even the title is reminiscent of the title of a Shelley Powers…

  • My blogspace

    One meme going around these days is people posting photos of the place they blog from, so here’s mine: UPDATE: Kaye Trammel is collecting a list of links to such pictures on her blog, so this is mass communication?.

  • Bread in a can

    Bread in a Can Originally uploaded by caterina on 31 Dec 69, 4.00pm PST Posted by xian from Well, I’m posting this partly just to test the flickr-to-weblog interface but also because there’s something indescribably delicious about the idea of bread-in-a-can.

  • Why do businesspeople love magic squares?

    I’m the same way. I love it when you can talk about all music as popular and good, popular and bad, unpopular and good, or unpopular and bad. I love magic squares. Is it because they’re very small databases?

  • Last week

    Monday I invited some potential speakers for the upcoming Waterside conference this April, had lunch with Phil Wolff and interviewed him for my book, and then deal with a flat tire on Eve. I wasn’t carrying my insurance company’s roadside help card, so I called B (on Phil’s cell phone) and asked her to call…

  • Found poem but why?

    I like it, but I don’t get why anyone would bother to send it: Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 17:07:33 -0800 From: “Terry Rhodes” To: Lenore Subject: resurgent toss divan soon sebastian infamous tomato boggle fortify bellamy

  • Mental association jukebox

    Nearly every week I shop for groceries at the Berkeley Bowl. Inevitably, near the end of my round, in the produce section, I find my mind humming the words “… yesterday don’t matter when it’s gone / Dying all the time / Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind / In life unkind….”…

  • Evil homeland security spam

    Disturbing spam received today uses the the language of homeland security and currency manipulation to get you to log your identity information into an insecure site (the link claims to be pointing to but via HTML link formatting in fact points to a numerical IP address and port number – – presenting the…

  • My pipes, my strings

    What the voice is for, what the body wants.

  • What happened to X-POLLEN?

    Christian Crumlish’s personal weblog, most recently called X-POLLEN, has been renamed. It is now called wake up and has been moved to, as a more appropriate domain for Christian’s personal effects. Christian feels strange writing about himself in the third person and will stop now. You can also call it “xianlandia” or Christian’s blog…

  • The John Kerry blogosphere

    The John Kerry for President Blog now features an aggregrator page listing recent blog and news items that mention Kerry. [via Scripting News]

  • orkut groups are teh suck

    orkut is still pointless but at least now the friends you see on your home page are random intead of nine princes in amber. now i’m paring down my communities, most of them have little or no action or real point at all: it’s kind of like a patchwork quilt or the ersatz coat of…

  • Joe Trippi's new blog

    At his new Change for America website, Joe Trippi has started a blog. Just one post so far (“Still in the fight”) with 127 comments last time I checked.

  • I've seen a lot of states, at least

    (thanks to the Dead) World66: visitedStates

  • Where I've been (pitiful)

    Wow, I haven’t done too much of the world traveling I had in mind. (via camilo’s Mercurial) You can create your own visited country map, which is part of some new (in beta) collaborative travel guide called World66 (“the travel guide you write”).

  • Which world leader are you?

    What Famous Leader Are You? Bonus: Which rock band is your presidential candidate?

  • Political pr0n

    The Rude Pundit is shockingly right about everything! (via The Little Teapot).

  • Vote for me this Sunday!

    From: “California Democratic Party” Dear Christian Crumlish, Thank you for applying to be a Male district-level delegate in Congressional District 9 for Howard Dean. This email is to inform you that we have received and processed your form. Your name has been forwarded to the Howard Dean Campaign for their caucus in Congressional District 9…