Category: Music

  • I've created a monster

    Pete Hoskins of This Pirate Kills Fascists has recorded the first known rendition of my li’l ditty (I Sing the Blogistan Electric). Amazing stamina! Some moments really cracked me up, especially with the overrunning lines! It occurs to me that the chorus should really be “this’ll be the day blogging died” or “this’ll be the…

  • Spam sells

    So who’s buying all that herbal v1agra? rich, stupid guys: There was a picture on the top of the page that said, ‘As Seen on TV,’ and I guess that made me think it was legit.

  • Google still working fine

    Ev says the whole I’m the first Bruce on Google phenomenon isn’t really a good test of whether it’s working. Now, if you go to Google and type Robb’s Law an click the I Feel Lucky button, you’ll see that Google is on top of things.

  • Weinberger for Dean

    As noted in Art of the Possible (The Cluetrain Candidate), David Weinberger, the author, academic, and consultant behind JOHO the Blog and such influential volumes as The Cluetrain Manifesto (coauthor) and Small Pieces, Loosely Joined, has endorsed Howard Dean and formally joined his campaign staff as a senior adviser.

  • All Jon Ames all the time

    It’s a small web but I wouldn’t want to paint it. Yesterday I get notifed that Jonathan Ames, a friend from way back, will be appearing on David Letterman (again) tonight (Wednesday, July 30). In that message he also mentioned that his website has been updated (I liked his old Flash animation, though) and that…

  • Memory transplants

    Well, I bit the bullet, installed some perl modules and migrated over the entries in my LiveJournal, bodega, from January through October of 2002 (and a single entry from June of this year) to this X-POLLEN weblog. I’ve been doing a bunch of migrations moving other sites from Radio to Movable Type and from Blogger…

  • Complaining about free boobies

    Careful with that crop, Eugene. Metafilter deconstructs the accidental peepshow Tech TV’s Cat Schwartz unleashed on the Web. I’m waiting for the conspiracists to suggest that she did it on purpose to release deniable cheesecake. TechTV nerdgrrls are definitely an improvement over camgirls and girlybloggers. About that “bicubic interpolation,” maybe it could help with my…

  • New York Times scoops Slashdot

    Dog bites man. Film at 11.

  • Netscape was a friend of mine

    Scot Hacker reminisces about the early days of web design in Remembering Netscape Related: Stephen Mack’s Requiem for Mosaic

  • I love New York, but

    I’m really happy to be home. It’s even hot here but not swamply like the big apple. My trip was great, really invigorating. Even got two small shreds of writing (posted over at Infinite Work with the dates and times close approximations of when they were written) out of the trip, as well as a…

  • There is no square

    The only night I had unbooked during my brief New York jaunt tis summer was last night (Friday). That’s probably not surprising, since this whole thing was short notice and that’s the night people were most likely to already have plans. After a nice dinner with my parents at home, I looked through some entertainment…

  • La la love you

    Newsflash: Pixies to reunite Predicted reaction from Scot Hacker: ho hum

  • New York, just like I pictured it

    So kiss me and cry for me, I’m leaving on a jetblue plane today, flying from OAK to JFK, getting it late tonight east-coast time. Announcing my travel plans in my blog worked like a charm. People got in touch. I have plans. Usually I get into town and then find out that everyone is…

  • Nice pad, cool threads

    Jack Mottram, posting in his new TypePad beta-blog This Pad Kills Fascists predicts that ‘pad’ will replace ‘blog’ as the term of art for these personal-journal-weblog-chronologged sites we write: I’m sure that Pad is destined become a standard synonym for Weblog. This is a good thing on two counts: firstly, since it means both ‘home’…

  • So many colors

    Flowers are red And green leaves are green And there’s no need to see flowers any other way Than the way they always have been seen by the people who’ve always seen them that way The way they always have been seen By the people who’ve always been seeing them that way Oh yeah Baby,…

  • This post kills fascists

    Over at, I saw a tag, “this website kills fascists” and it reminded me of how Levi Asher put “this website kills fascists on one of his early sites, possibly Queensboro Ballads. So I did a little simple memetracking at Google. A basic search on “kills fascists” yielded a page full of links to…

  • This post kills fascists

    reprinted from memewatch: Over at RasterWeb, I saw a tagline, “this website kills fascists,” and it reminded me of how Levi Asher put “this website kills fascists on one of his early sites, possibly Queensboro Ballads. So I did a little simple memetracking at Google. A basic search on “kills fascists” yielded a page full…

  • Internet pundit fantasy camp this summer

    IPFC, Inc. announces the launch of the Internet Pundit Fantasy Camp, and a chance to be among the presence of such luminaries as Jason Kottke, James Lileks, Doc Searls, Glenn Reynolds, Esther Dyson, Cory Doctorow, Christopher Locke, Clay Shirky, Xeni Jardin, Scott Rosenberg, Joi Ito, Marc Canter, John Dvorak, Dan Gillmor, Andrew Sullivan, Dave Winer,…

  • Fact-checking Frist's ass

    Billmon, whose list of WMD-related quotations posted to his Whiskey Bar blog rocketed around the political web a month or so ago has tracked down a series of quotations from Senate leader Bill Frist that seem to contradict his more recent take on the reason we went to war with Iraq.

  • Lies, lies, lies, yeah

    I’m looking forward to reading Al Franken’s new book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right. Here’s the BuzzFlash interview that whetted my appetite.

  • On shutting up

    Men are encouraged to dominate conversation without even thinking about it, says Dan Spalding, who has another suggestion: shut up already. Elizabeth Lane Lawley makes a similar point, and asks women with strong voices, “What do you think women should be doing to start getting their voices heard?”