Category: Music

  • Boxen

    Scot Hacker: Next person to say “boxen” when they really mean “computers” gets a wedgie. Also, he points out this utterly hi-ho Flash animation for Panasonic.

  • Wet garden

  • People to whom I owe email replies

    I am up to my ears on a project right now, with deadlines coming fast and furious, and I’m taking today off. I’m well aware of a number of pressing email messages in my in box awaiting my reply and I hope that my correspondents can forbear a while longer as I get my act…

  • Sullivan calls the election an

    Sullivan calls the election an endorsement of the tax cut. I guess even when his team is winning the spin never ends: In his Daily Dish, Andrew Sullivan slips in “…for the tax cuts” as presumably one of the motivating factors that led the electorate to give Bush both houses of Congress. I don’t see…

  • Interactive Seattle skyline

    From Cal Godot (via antiweb) comes this link to an interactive “before and after” view of Seattle’s skyline.

  • Pacbell email down

    My SBC Pacbell account’s email server is down at the moment. It’s this server that handles any mail to my widely known forwarding adress, which is where most of my custom or vanity domains currently point. If the problem persists, I’ll redirect pobox to my minimal Earthlink account used for traveling (that I won’t…

  • Catechism against telemarketers

    EGBG, in the Netherlands, provides this anti-telemarketing counterscript: Telemarketers make use of a telescript — a guideline for a telephone conversation. This script creates an imbalance in the conversation between the marketer and the consumer. It is this imbalance, most of all, that makes telemarketing successful. The EGBG Counterscript attempts to redress that balance.

  • Most amusing referrer of the day

    My favorite referrer of the day: A search on the “without bra on beach no writing pictures”&#8212:I like the specificity.

  • Thought he was searching for the real killers?

    This is probably all over the net, but I just got it in email from JG:

  • Jam Master Jay, R.I.P.

    Jam Master Jay, né Jason Mizell, was shot by two gunmen at a NY recording studio, cops say. He was 37.

  • Christian Crumlish is…

    I noticed Dave Winer posting about Googlism today and I’ve seen the reference riding up the meme charts but only realized after following his link that someone has wired up the Google api to automate the searching-for-“Your Name Here is”-and-posting-the-results-to-your-blog meme. (I did “xian is” at bodega back in June.)

  • Five years ago today

    Five years ago today, on my 33rd birthday, I started my first online journal, breathing room. It wasn’t a blog in the sense we mean today, as it was more of a writer’s journal, a daily writing practice, a place for unvarnished honesty and fleeting thoughts. But to me the transition from journal to blog…

  • Another attempt to ping the metaxian blog

    Hate to do this, but there’s no other way. Technicalia, but not interesting. I’ll report if anything becomes interesting.

  • Beck with Flaming Lips tonight on Conan

    My old buddy JG turned me on to Flaming Lips (finally) and when they added a second Beck opened for and backed by the Lips show, we got tickets, so I’m psyched about that. Yoshimi reminds me a little of OK Computer, but it’s hugely catchy and grooving. I can’t remember the last time I…

  • Let's put that 'Leftists have no sense of humor' meme to rest, shall we?

    from MZ: Actual slogans seen at the SF peace march on Sunday: Stop Our Crazed Government. Take Back Our USA.PEACE: Live In It Or Rest In ItOregonians for SanityBush: Inspect Yourself!War Is So Last CenturyBlow It Out Your Ass, BushNo War Go Giants and from dac: some more, from both SF and D.C. Blondes for…

  • Still unpacking blogses

    Having ceased posting new content to bodega, I haven’t exactly been tearing it up over here at x-pollen yet (which paid LJ users can add to their friend’s list as

  • Broken Esc key?!?

    For some reason my Escape key suddenly doesn’t seem to work, at least in the context of “vi”. It’s essential in that program for dropping back out of text entry mode into command mode (for such things as, oh, saving and quitting). I can’t find any references to broken Esc keys in tiMacs anywhere online,…

  • Timezones

    I’d like to see a breakdown of the living web (or at least the blogosphere) in terms of timezone codestamps on documents.

  • I'm baaaack…

    Geez, you go away for a long weekend and the pornographer blog knocks you back down to fourth place in the all-time rankings…. John McCain was surprisingly funny on Saturday Night Live. Got to watch the Sopranos in my hotel room last night. (Without cable I usually have to wait a year or so for…

  • Goodbye, cruel blog!

    Eh, I’ll be out of town til Monday night, at my cousin’s wedding in So.Cal. Be good. Read my blogroll for me while I’m away. Catch you on the flip side. Oh, and remind me next week to post about my minor revelation about personal filing. Hint: it’s all about journaling.

  • Send lawyers, guns, and money

    Hey, my triumvirate of motivations meme is getting legs. I noticed a visitor today referred from a post called [Python-Dev] Missing symbol in (Python 2.2.2b1) on what I gather is a list for Python developers).