Category: Music

  • Patchy access in San Antonio

    My room at the CheaperNearby hotel naturally offers no high-speed access and sadly I can’t get my modem to work with it either. Fortunately, Roadrunner offers pay-for-use wireless service in the RiverCenter mall attached to the Marriott, so I can briefly check mail and get a message out to the wider world before heading to…

  • In the air above Vegas

    Before my batteries run out, I think I’ll get caught up on “what I’ve been doing all week,” especially since I’m only getting busier. I’m currently on a plane headed for San Antonio with a stopover in Vegas. I’m going to a joint regional and national conference of the American Culture Association / Popular Culture…

  • That falling-behind feeling

    Don’t know how much longer I can keep up this pace. It seems like my obligations keep mounting, but I am trying to keep up and stay balanced. Monday I discovered the chords for Ripple are also just G C D Am (a subset of the chords used in Uncle John’s Band). I sorted out…

  • Catching up

    I’m still not logging my things done each day but I’m starting to get to it in less than a week, so that’s something. Thursday I started an email interview with Levi, found the tab for Syd Barrett’s “Evervescing Elephant” on the web and transposed it for my ukulele, put out the garbage and the…

  • Isn't she a beaut?

  • Yesterday

    Did first scan of peer-review comments on Ch 3 8:30 Talked to my editor to synch up on priorities 8:50 Phoned Fox media rep, left message 9:15 Called Nicholas to plan for Dead conference Called Arthur to discuss digital studio plans, and to get his mobile number recorded Left JAC a message to find out…