Category: Musicology

  • Effervescing Elephant (take 1)

    one day i will be able to play this

  • Uncle John's Band (take 2)

    choppy and sad

  • Uncle John's Band (take 1)

    if gumption was horses, this beggar would ride

  • Isn't she a beaut?

  • My tenor uke needs a name

    My grandfather had a ukulele. I loved it as a little boy. When he died, I was nine and I inherited the uke. I never learned to play it but I bashed it up pretty good. They even got me a new ukulele because I really wanted on. I loved the way the both looked.…

  • Yesterday

    Did first scan of peer-review comments on Ch 3 8:30 Talked to my editor to synch up on priorities 8:50 Phoned Fox media rep, left message 9:15 Called Nicholas to plan for Dead conference Called Arthur to discuss digital studio plans, and to get his mobile number recorded Left JAC a message to find out…

  • The devil plays harp

    I handn’t bought the Greendale record or heard any of it yet, nor seen the live stage show, but I did just see the movie this evening with Scot and some of his cool friends. Everyone noticed how literally the images tracked the lyrics – and the lipsyncing was better than Britney’s. I could easily…

  • Mekons me like

    If I hadn’t been so ragged out B and I could have stayed for more than the first four Mekons songs at the Starry Pluff in Berkeley last night, but what I heard sounded fantastic. I said to B, “What they’ve retained of the punk aesthetic is the ‘no wanking’ rule.” Everything was spare and…

  • Make it easier

    My guitar was too hard to learn on. I took it the Thin Man music store in Alameda and the dude there to restring it with lightweight strings and lower the action for me. I also bought this beautiful tenor ukulele for $75 because I figure that will also be much much easier to learn…

  • If I don't remember, who will?

    If you thought I was busy before, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Actually, I heard a good new impromptu expression form Outlandish Josh the other day that I’m sure I’ll find myself repeating. I asked him if he was busy and he said yes, he was busy, but “flexible busy.” A week ago Monday I…

  • Laugh at me

    When you laugh at me, I learn where my blind spots are. Things I am trying to do suddenly seem ridiculous. It’s not that I winced or spoke sharply when you noticed me misspeaking. It’s not that I misspoke. It’s that I obviously can’t stand making mistakes and I try so hard to elude criticism…

  • I'm getting the band back together

    The personal expression platform wants to do sound and it wants to do pictures and it’s going to want to do motion capture eventually but right now it just wants to be able to sing, recontextualize, and join the great chorus of call and response. So, to sound. Cecil writes music, sings, plays guitar, and…

  • I was hoping for the toaster

    Magister Mundi sum! (“I am the Master of the Universe!”) You are full of yourself, but you’re so cool you probably deserve to be. Rock on. Uh, OK then. Thanks, I guess, Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You? brought to you by Quizilla.

  • spylist?

    At one point, I used to blind cc my agent any email I sent that might lead to a book deal. There was a time I used to blind cc my academic deadhead friend every fascinating bit of music information or dialogue or culture i saw online. That was a form of blogging. If Nicholas…

  • As long as their soda cans are red, white, and blue ones

    now playing: “Rock ‘n’ Roll Lifestyle” by Cake [Motorcade Of Generosity]: Your liver pays dearly now for youthful magic moments, But rock on completely with some brand new components. How do you afford your rock’n’roll lifestyle? How do you afford your rock’n’roll lifestyle? How do you afford your rock’n’roll lifestyle? Excess ain’t rebellion. You’re drinking…

  • Holy shit!

    Coming soon…! The Dead Vault on your freaking iPod.

  • The spellchecker suggests Crumpets

    For no good reason I’m pushing a meme today, echoing it through the mediajunkiesphere and sending out an annoying Orkut announcement to my regretting- it- already friends. It may work or it may not but pouting never accomplished anything. The spellcheckers has some funny suggestions for how to spell my name.

  • spellchecker suggestions for Crumlish

    Crumbles Crumbliest Crumbs Crumples Crumbiest Crumbling Crummiest Crumpling Crumbing Rules Crumb Crumble Crumple Crumbled Crumpets Crumpled Crusts Crucify Crudity Crumbed

  • Why are most popular political bloggers men?

    The Columbia Journalism Review’s Campaign Desk blog recently ran an interesting article treading that familiar territory of comparing the abundance of public-minded outspoken masculine weblogs with the paucity of famous political blogs by women. The author of The Blogosphere: Boys ‘n’ Their Toys (even the title is reminiscent of the title of a Shelley Powers…

  • My blogspace

    One meme going around these days is people posting photos of the place they blog from, so here’s mine: UPDATE: Kaye Trammel is collecting a list of links to such pictures on her blog, so this is mass communication?.

  • Bread in a can

    Bread in a Can Originally uploaded by caterina on 31 Dec 69, 4.00pm PST Posted by xian from Well, I’m posting this partly just to test the flickr-to-weblog interface but also because there’s something indescribably delicious about the idea of bread-in-a-can.