Category: Iraq
Army recruiters tell students war in Iraq is over
ABC News: Army Recruiters Accused of Misleading Students to Get Them to Enlist: But if they study hard they won’t get stuck in Iraq.
21st Century Lou
Here’s a swank new version of Walk on the Wild Side, from Lou “Mr.” Reed, with updated lyrics for this modern world. Worth a listen….
Flat Daddies
Warning: This
What did Bush do about Al Qaeda in his first 8 months?
After the back and forth ‘tween Bill Clinton and Condi Rice this past week re who did what to stop Al Qaeda pre-9/11, Countdown took an interesting look at how the Bush Administration’s spent its first 8 months. The transcript is posted online, as well as a video that’s well worth watching. Note: The meat…
You almost have to feel sorry for Tony Snow for how unbelievably off-the-charts wrong he was. Almost.
Flip your WHIG
Over at Hullabaloo, Digby explains how the Plame investigation could conceivably unravel the conspiracy to build a false case for war in Iraq.
Grotian to the max
One of the best ways to follow Saddam Hussein’s trial may just be Case School of Law’s new Grotian Moment Blog. (via TalkLeft)
Karl Rove prepared for war
I’m not sure Rove is prepared for the way these liberal soldiers and veterans are pissed at his divisive comments about how different Americans responded to 9/11: Take it to Karl
The press gang redux
I realize the military is hard-up for recruits but I have nothing but respect for the Marines, so I was dismayed to read this article: When Marine recruiters go way beyond the call. Do we really need to take advantage of the young and unworldy to fill our ranks? If so, we’re in more trouble…
Why I don’t give a shit about Laura Bush’s jokes
Quoting from Attytood: W.’s “runaway bride” and the ‘gotcha’ story that wasn’t gotten: Laura Bush telling a scripted joke isn’t news anymore than is a troubled woman walking out on a wedding and panicking. There’s one striking thing we didn’t see on all the First Lady video overkill, and that was any of the guffawing…
No Flawed Policies Here.
“Admiral Church concluded that the abuse of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan had been the result primarily of a breakdown of discipline, not flawed policies or misguided direction” NYT That old “Do your own thing” military! Got me thinking: Maybe they could have policies and direction that involved beakdowns of discipline, that discouraged them. I…
The made-for-TV war
According to this report (Ex-Marine Says Public Version of Saddam Capture Fiction), the much-vaunted capture of Saddam in his spiderhole was fictitious. If true, it might be time to add your sense of what’s real to the list of collateral damage from the propaganda war.
Proverbs for Paranoids, 3
Hit this quote today in Pynchon’s amazing Gravity’s Rainbow that summed up our current political situation way too perfectly: Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers. Which leads back to the query my brain just can’t shake: Prince Charles and his flowering…
Iran-Iraq: maybe, maybe not
Take 2… Cecil was wondering whether we have just created “the perfect opening for an oil-rich anti-western Iran-Iraq alliance”. I happen to think the two countries will become very tight, and posted a line about the Anschluss of the Mullahs on my blog. My friend Mark Lew, who knows more about world politics and history…
Can anyone explain to me…
…without diving into conspiracy (already got that covered — thanks…) why it might be that the election results in Iraq are getting close to zero media attention? A week ago this was the election of the century. Anybody remember purple fingers? I get that they must still be counting the votes, but in this 24-hour…
Is this the week Iran won the Iran-Iraq war?
I read the news today and got a cold feeling inside. Have we just spent all this blood and treasure to create the perfect opening for an oil-rich anti-western Iran-Iraq alliance, complete with US-trained and armed troops? And will Bush’s great purple-stained success this week turn out to be yet another naive move by wide-eyed,…
Iraqi elections are a good thing
That should go without saying. Opposing the war, thinking the opportunity costs weren’t weighed properly, despairing of U.S. leadership – none of that constitutes opposition to democratic elections. While I may have my doubts and pessimism about the entire operation and I may worry about how it will all come out, I don’t see any…
Truth and consequences
Good discussion in the comment thread for a recent post at Max Sawicky’s weblog (MaxSpeak, You Listen!): That Hussein and the Ba’athist government of Iraq no longer seek a nuclear weapon is good, but if one had given me $200 billion and authorization to get up to 1400 Americans killed and ten thousand wounded to…
What are they thinking?
According to the State Department report, the Mujahedeen-e Khalq assisted Saddam in “suppressing opposition within Iraq, and performed internal security for the Iraqi regime.”
Subduing California (a fable)
In Ungrateful Californians, the author the Iraqi Letter to America blog posits a hypothetical fairy tale in which it isn’t the medfly but Californians themselves, in their flowered shirts, who are targeted for “help.”
You loved them in Salvador; you’ll trust them in Iraq
According to this Newsweek option, The Salvador Option, “we” are considering arming and training death squads to help quell the insurgency in Iraq and to improve our image in the Muslim world. Well, maybe not that latter part. Yes, I know this has been the talk of the left blogsophere for over a week. Many…