Category: Edgewise
Kill it before it grows?
No one knows exactly what “price gouging” is supposed to mean in a capitalist economy. Price fixing and collusion are a different matter, but that so far does not appear to be the issue currently with gasoline. There are some relevant things we do know. As traffic volume increases, private cars become less efficient: traffic…
“Dear Mr. President”
This video “DearMr. President” is very powerful, insightful, and seriously moving. The singer, Pink, is a top-rank music star, and I think it will probably be playing on MTV. She opens it by saying, “This is the most important song I have ever written.” This second one, “I’m the Decider,” is just very clever, ingenious,…
Rolling Stone Rolls W.
Was the whole reason George Sr. and company wanted George Jr. to become president just to make Sr.’s adminstration look competent by comparison? Well, on that score at least, mission accomplished. Now Rolling Stone (credit where due, I first saw this mentioned on our beloved dailykos) weighs in on the possibility that W. may be…
Michael Jackson Bailout
Michael Jackson Bailout Said to Be Close – New York Times
is it just me that thinks we’ve lost our minds?
During all the recent news hoopla about the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui I kept trying to remember what he actually did. Did he fly the planes? (No, those guys are all dead). Did he plan the attacks? (Hmmm, wasn’t that Osama bin Laden?). Did he aid and abet any of the dead guys who flew…
P.S. to F.Y.T. PG&E
“The new team” now running Enron, according to spokesman Harlan Loeb, believes a proposed settlement with federal regulators that would prevent disclosure of evidence that reveal how Enron gamed the energy trading markets during the California energy crisis, is “the best deal for creditors.” The audiotapes, email, and other documents detail how Enron’s energy traders…