Category: Republicans
I admit it
It amuses me that conservatives are just now beginning to notice how totally they’ve been played by Dear Leader. In fact, this thread a RedState is totally making my day. A few choice excerpts: We’re disgusted By: SpectatorGirl Bush lied to us. Let Kos cheer. The post below should not get lost, that her name…
What took so long
Can anyone verify the following assertions (from a mailing list I’m on)? Halliburton hired for storm cleanup 01 Sep 2005: The Navy has hired Houston-based Halliburton Co. & Roof Installation Newton repair roofs, restore electric power and remove debris at three naval facilities in Mississippi damaged by Hurricane Katrina. Halliburton subsidiary KBR will also perform…
It was bound to happen
In an administration that considers the press a special interest and likes to take their message directly to the people, it was inevitable that eventually President Bush would start his own blog.
Legal complaint v. Sensenbrenner
saw this on the Well: July 28, 2005 Office of Lawyer Regulation 110 East Main St Room 315 Madison WI 53703 I hereby request investigation on the basis of the following: Hon. James Sensenbrenner U.S. House of Representatives Washington DC 202/225-5101 We believe the ex parte communication, “in which [Mr.] Sensenbrenner directly contacted the chief…
Treasongate primer
Tired of listening to mealy-mouthed Republican apologists for treason? Check out the Left Coaster’s Response to GOP talking points. Print out, stick in your pocket, speak truth to power.
Carnival of the Rovegate
Tony Pierce holds Glenn Reynolds feet to the fire, the Editors point out that the Washington press corps isn’t having an attack of conscience right now, Frank Rich analyses the Watergate analogy, John Aravosis asks the musical question, “If Karl Rove is fully complying then why does the president have to wait for the investigation…
It’s beginning to look a lot like Rovegate
Quoting from James Wolcott: Blowback Is a Bitch: When word broke that Karl Rove’s name was the live hand grenade rolling around in Matt Cooper’s notes, I immediately flashbacked to this almost Elizabethan scenario of palace intrigue and betrayal from From the Wilderness. Its author, Michael C. Ruppert, author of Crossing the Rubicon. Its title,…
Wanting to Get to the Bottom of It
The very next Q&A in the press conference xian links to below is also a prize specimen of weasel-wordedness: Q Two questions. First, you’ve said in the past that, on the matter of Matt Cooper and Judith Miller that the President supports the investigation. What specific steps is the White House taking to support it?…
Grand-jury perjury angle to Valerie Plame case
I’ve been thinking this could turn out to be Watergate 2.0 – a first-term scandal that bears fruit in the president’s second term. Or maybe not. Here’s an update from Quoting from Mark A. R. Kleiman: David Ignatius speculates in the Washington Post that Patrick Fitzgerald’s pursuit of journalists’ testimony might indicate that he has…
Remember Republicans?
Kung Fu Monkey writes I miss Republicans and I pretty much agree. We liberals have our work cut out for us reforming the Democratic Party but is there anybody even left to try to straighten out the supposedly conservative party?
A Mockingbird for our times
Hush little baby don’t you cry, Daddy’s gonna buy you an alibi. If that alibi don’t work, Daddy’s gonna bribe the county clerk. If that county clerk don’t bribe, Daddy’s got Congress on his side. If that Congress still don’t budge, Daddy’s in tight with a Supreme Court Judge. – The Mammals, “The Bush Boys”
Why I read the Poor Man religiously
It’s simple, really: Even his throwaway lines are 10 x teh funny of just about any other blog out there. For example, in Hugh Hewitt is the stupidest man alive, he locates the source of the Happy Talk Virus in “the right-wing Prozacosphere.”
Red-baiting the AARP
So this astroturf Linkletterish front group claiming to represent the elderly, “USA Next,” is now trying to paint the AARP pink in order to cram Social Security reform deconstruction down our collective throats. Steve Soto at The Left Coaster thinks we shouldn’t let the GOP get away with it and has some ideas about how…
Secrets and lies
I’m starting to get a queasy feeling about Jeff “so-called” Gannon‘s access to sensitive information in the White House. Is Jim-Jeff Guckert-Gannon gonna be Monica Lewinsky this time around? Whose ox is gored now, whose cover has been blown?
Republicans against torture
I’ve been wondering when we’d hear an actual conservative take a principled position against torture instead of the subject-changing, excuse-making, or moral relativism we’ve mostly seen from the right on this issue. Sebastian Holsclaw, who described himself as a conservative blogger with a mostly liberal audience (he used to be a regular commentator on a…
The Yuck Factor
A good example of why I don’t read Faux News’ website: I accidentally stumbled onto it today and saw a banner for Greta Van Susteren’s show tonight, with the headline “Newt Gingrich for President?” I think I speak for half of America when I say, Yikes! and, Eewwww!
So-called conservatives don’t deserve civility
A nonpublic mailing list I’m on is discussing politics, and the subject of maintaining civil political discourse came up. I invested enough time and emotion in my contribution that I want to log it in public view. It’s just preaching to the choir here on Edgewise, but it gives me a URL to point my…
Hey look! I’m being bipartisan!
Let’s form a progressive alliance with Bull Moose Republicans. I’m no fan of Scoop Jackson per se, but I’d like to see more moderate and principled Republicans, so I’m willing to talk.
Talk about your Manchurian candidate
Wouldn’t it be strange if left-wing sleeper agents infiltrated the Republican party like the Russians posing as Americans in that Charles Bronson film and under the guise of a “new” form of conservatism, introduced a bizarre almost Trotskyist foreign policy and will to power that succeeded in duping America’s foremost right-wing party into self-destructing? It…
My beef with Greenspan
In a discussion thread at Kos two days ago (Daily Kos :: Comments Kill the moderators) a fellow called johnmorris succinctly put the hammer down on Alan Greenspan’s disingenuous betrayal of our nation’s social compact with its frail and elderly: in 1983 Greenspan predicted disaster for Social Security unless we doubled the withholding tax and…