Category: Book News

  • Pirillo in the hizzouse

    Chris Pirillo is blogging the conference.

  • Watching the alpha geeks

    Listening to Tim O’Reilly’s keynote right now. Fascinating I’m taking notes but don’t want to dump them raw. More to come

  • Aha

    Well, the problem with my uploads to is due to a permissions snafu. Seems I don’t ‘own’ the directory I’m trying to upstream to. I’ll see if I can get that worked out today, but meanwhile I’ll post any conference-related observations here to RFB.

  • 2003 Waterside Conference starts today

    We’re kicking off our thirteenth annual publishing conference at the Radisson in the Berkeley marina today. It’s been a tough couple of years in the computer-book publishing industry, so I’m glad that so many people have decided to turn out for the event. It may be our lineup of speakers this year that are bringing…

  • One geek to rule them all

    Starting off with free email newsletters and a curious brand name, Chris Pirillo has emerged as enfantrepreneur terrible on the web scene. After traditional publishing companies and venture driven ghastlies dumped megabucks pursuing the e-book millennium during the dotcom folly, the word among publishers and authors these days is that e-publishing turned out to be…

  • Don't buy this book

    Doing a little ego-surfing the other day I found my name on an unfamiliar blog. Turns out it was an item listing books about blogging with a link to my (since-canceled) book. (Note: the title was going to be The Hidden Power of Blogging, not The Hidden Power of Blogs, but whatever.) It seems that…

  • William Gibson gets a blog

    William Gibson, influential writer of speculative fiction (sci-fi to the genrists), has a somewhat ironically neo-Luddite reputation but added a blog to his official site yesterday and promises to post there nearly daily. For some reason, the main page currently shows the first entry and not today’s, the second, in which a discussion of his…

  • Shacker and Shadovitz at MacWorld

    Scot sez: Reminder for anyone hitting MacWorld SF: I’ll be delivering a segment of the two-day Dreamweaver conference: The Whole OS X Web Development System — a poor title — the session will be about setting up OS X as a PHP/MySQL web database application development platform. 2:15 Tuesday, Room 120 I sometimes forget to…

  • Missing files from Savvy CD uploaded to website

    Eagle-eyed readers have notified me of a couple more files for the Chapter 6 tutorials missing from the CD-ROM included with the book. I’ve uploaded them to the Dreamweaver Savvy website. This makes three missing PNGs: photo.png flower.png makecommand.png There are also permanent links to these files in the right-hand column of the website home…

  • Drop by my Well interview before it's over

    We’ve covered a pretty good range of topics in my interview in the Well’s Inkwell conference that started last week: What do web-design tools gain us and lose us? The differences between launching a site and maintaining one The role of auteurs vs. multidisciplinary teams in web development Upgrading to Dreamweaver MX Dynamic web-app development…

  • My interview happening live now on the Well

    Today we’re starting the Inkwell interview with me about Dreamweaver Savvy and related topics. The Inkwell is a publicly-viewable conference at the Well usually featuring interviews with book authors. Besides the software addressed in my book (Dreamweaver and Fireworks), we’re planning to talk about related topics such as web design and development projects, information architecture,…

  • Well interview postponed to Monday, November 25

    My interview on the Well is starting next Monday. In the meantime, I highly recommend the interview underway today with Howard Reingold, talking about his Smart Mobs book, at Inkwell.vue.

  • 'Dreamweaver Savvy' interview in the Well's Inkvue conference, November 22–Dec 6

    The Well has a public conference called Inkwell.vue featuring interviews with authors. From November 22 to December 6 they’ll be interviewing me there to talk about my Dreamweaver book (as well as web design in general, blogging, information architecture, knowledge management, and things like that). When the interview starts, I’ll post a link here. You…

  • Adding to my 'to review' list

    I got my copy of We Blog from Amazon today, and I received Jesse James Garrett’s The Elements of User Experience, a beautifully designed explication of his seminal model of the same name. For reviewing purposes, though, I’m afraid these go behind my reviews in progress (The Weblog Handbook, We’ve Got Blog, and Essential Blogging.…

  • More official Dreamweaver MX tutorials from Macromedia

    Dreamweaver Extreme: Five Steps to More Professional Pages with Dreamweaver MX [Macromedia Resource Feed]

  • back up

    We found the source of the error(s) and so now instead of pointing to the mirror site at, please feel to re-commerce linking directly to (or any of its variants, including and Phew!

  • down

    Due to some DNS misconfiguration, right now points to my host’s site instead of to the correct location. To get to the website for my book Dreamweaver MX / Fireworks MX Savvy at this time, therefore, please point your browser at instead. I am trying to determine right now whether the problem is…

  • Nice review of 'Dreamweaver Savvy' at Web Teach

    Keep them reviews coming! You work long and hard on a project like my last book (and there was a big team of people working on it with me) and then it goes out the door and it all starts to seem a bit like a dream. Oddly, reviews like this remind me of what…

  • xian TV

    Have I mentioned I’m going to be on television today on “The Screen Savers” airing first at 7 pm, on whatever cable channel, digital or otherwise, you get your Tech TV network on. It repeats at 10 pm and then again some time tomorrow. I don’t know when I appear on the timeline, as we…

  • My TSS Segment to Air September 16

    Found out today from the producer that my bit with Leo on blog templates will air September 16. The tutorial should go up at their site within a week before the show. I’ll link to it then. This is sort of the big push, since we have time to plan for it, the book is…

  • Dummy Blog Set Up for Tuesday's Template Demo on The Screen Savers

    By all rights I should be barbecuing right now and by all means not laboring, but as a mostly self-employed guy who’s job right now is mostly promoting his most recent book, not to mention a guy with not enough time to do all the things he wants to do once he finds them, I’m…