Category: Miscellany

  • A Reader Writes…

    I almost feel like I have to click on you, just in the hopes you can outscore ‘pornographers picks.’ My reply: Thanks, although I hope I can attract readers based on my content, too! I see I lost ground to the pornoblog over the weekend. Well, when you’re number four you try harder! I’m not…

  • Paid the Rent

    Paid the Rent. The three kids chime in: Yeah me! … “I love rock ‘n’ roll!” [A Supposedly Staggering Infinite Work of Heartbreaking Illumination I’ll Never Read]

  • You're Soaking in It

    Hard to Know if This Would be Nice or Icky. I think I saw this Jelly Bath site at Rebecca’s Pocket. I especially enjoyed reading the Frequently Asked Questions. Current Music: Hobo Chang Ba::Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band::Trout Mask Replica

  • x-pollen hub coming together. I'm

    x-pollen hub coming together. I’m working through the logjam at my web server, having just set up the DNS for some new domains:,,, and a few others. Still need to restart the server to get the new virtual hosts working, set up cgi access where needed. A few need new usernames, permissions,…

  • Play Ball

    Baseball deal reached, games on [USA Today]

  • Jamie Lee Curtis Has Nothing

    Jamie Lee Curtis Has Nothing to Hide. The actress outs her body in More:Because in 2002, more than three decades into the women’s movement, it is still a radical act for a woman to accept her body as it is. “We knew the article was important,” said Susan Crandall, editor-in-chief of the magazine, targeted to…

  • Stock Market Press Flacks Still

    Stock Market Press Flacks Still Riding High. In Talking Bull, The Guardian wonders why the journalists who pumped up stocks during the bull market are still heeded in this bearish downturn:Instead of being required to write, “I will not confuse libertarian hallucinations with practical investment advice” 36,000 times, he was indulged with a seat on…

  • More CVB Memories. I remember

    More CVB Memories. I remember now that they also played When I Win the Lottery and Flowers from Key Lime Pie. The tension between Lowery and Siegal was light and they made light of it, though David wore a cowboy hat that obscured the nonbearded half of his face, and winced when he (rarely, but…

  • Who Died and Made Rumsfeld

    Who Died and Made Rumsfeld Secretary of State?. In AlterNet: Connect the Dots With Rumsfeld, David Corn questions Rumsfeld’s out-front spokesmanship for the U.S. foreign policy:Most recently, he warned (at a public meeting with Army troops) that if Russia maintains its trading relationship with Iraq, the nation will be branded a pal of terrorism and…

  • New Blog of Note

    Just added to my blogroll: The Vicarious Delusions of Malium’s journal. I think blogrolls need to be annotated, or at least that I should do more than just add people to a link and never explain why. Backfilling is always piling up, but at least from now on when I add someone I can note…

  • Welcome Malium to the Blogosphere.

    Welcome Malium to the Blogosphere. Everyone knows I think shacker is the salt of the earth, but only a few know that malium introduced me to scot. now if we could only entice levi into greater blogistan… Current Music: Blackhole::Beck::Mellow Gold

  • Posting Experiment via LiveJournal Client

    I’m tired of having to generate a new editing window every time I want to link to someone, write something, or edit something. I just made RadioExpress! pop up its editing window in a new window because I want to link to several URI’s in one entry and otherwise RE! takes over the window I…

  • Update on Multi-Author/RSS Auto-Aggregation

    So far, so good. Posts to my livejournal and to a few other blogs are automatically being picked up in my

  • Word Virus

    Subvert Press: The ‘Thank You’ Sticker. Thought-virus: Thank you for financing global terror (via Metafilter sideblog)

  • (Bite Media: Who Died and

    (Bite Media: Who Died and Made Rumsfeld Secretary of State?) In AlterNet: Connect the Dots With Rumsfeld, David Corn questions Rumsfeld’s out-front spokesmanship for the U.S. foreign policy: Most recently, he warned (at a public meeting with Army troops) that if Russia maintains its trading relationship with Iraq, the nation will be branded a pal…

  • Pics of New York. Check

    Pics of New York. Check out this one showing the WTC site. Current Mood: relaxed Current Music: Zony Mash::The Meters::The Meters Anthology (Disc 1)

  • Puta De las Heces De

    Puta De las Heces De Juan. Gnosis, a Salon blog that currently has a John Lee Hooker quotation as its description, notes that the Spanish translation of the artist’s name is suprisingly literal: Puta De las Heces De Juan … means “prostitute (hooker) of the shelters (lees) of John.” Good thing the folks programming the…

  • Automated Aggregation!

    Ask and ye shall receive. Now I have to admit my failure of reading comprehension, as I did not grok from Dave’s explanation a week ago that the Multi-Author Weblog tool has exactly the feature I wished for in my previous entry. Mark Paschal, ever helpful, commented thusly: Autoposting from feeds is what the Multi-Author…

  • Electronic Literature Directory Again Open to New Listings

    The ELO’s Electronic Literature Directory is now once more allowing authors to log in and update their listings: If you’re not yet listed in the Directory but should be, please request a listing and an account. In the past we’ve been very slow to respond to requests for accounts, but we now have a staff,…

  • X-Pollen: Mediajunkie Administrivia

    I am reworking the design of my blog at, and renaming it from Junk Mail (clever but somewhat meaningless) to Bite Media (closer to the mission of the blog and site). Recent posts there include: Clinton TV Toby imagines the scene in Crawford Anti-American screed from a Canadian in Baltimore U.S. assisted Iraq despite…

  • Another Null Entry

    Posting across all categories to force theme re-rendering. Please continue to ignore.