Category: Radio Free Blogistan

  • Nonprofit weblogs redux

    I just tweaked up my post about weblog strategies for nonprofits from last Friday (although I still haven’t discussed it with Dave Pollard, as I was planning to do), and submitted my proposal to CompuMentor. I really enjoyed the exercise of thinking through how nonprofits can use weblogs (and syndication, and aggregration) and how a…

  • Help with Radio's .root files

    I was doing a period check of very large files on my computer, planning to backup or remove the largest ones to make some room, and I noticed that among the top five files, four of them were .root files used by Radio: aggregatorData.root (149 megs) weblogData.root (128 megs) manilaBloggerBridgeData.root (79 meg) Radio.root (31 meg)…

  • My BloggerCon essay rejected (apparently)

    I submitted my post about nonprofit weblogging to the Blogger Con: Essays directory and got no response. I thought perhaps it was too late to submit something (last Friday), but I notice there’s a new essay from Oliver Willis added today, so I suppose my essay simply didn’t pass muster. Oh well.

  • Radio UserLand woes

    The Salon blog community servers (hosted by UserLand) have been down since sometime Friday, which is frustrating for the Salon bloggers who rely on the community server to host their blogs (and their comments) and to track updates and traffic figures. As far as we can tell, UserLand is down to two (no-doubt overworked) employees,…

  • Weblog strategies for nonprofits

    One of the students in my weblogs class at Seybold last month was the web administrator of the Community Technology Foundation of California ( They use a sophisticated CMS to maintain the site but are experimenting with weblogs and wanted to see whether they might be more easily customizable, because – we agreed – different…

  • MailBucket, an email-to-RSS gateway

    Reading a comment thread discussing Jeremy Allaire’s RSS-Data proposal, I came across an announcement for MailBucket, an email-to-RSS gateway. This allows you to subscribe to your own email in a news aggregrator. What I need is an RSS-to-email gateway, though, so I can send out my posts as email and enable subscribers without relying on…

  • Interview with pb, weblog pioneer

    Anil Dash interview Paul Bausch for Six Log, touching such fundamental weblog concepts as the origin of permalinks nad the implications of a time-centered structure for websites. Anil reminds readers that pb was part of the Pyra team that launched Blogger and is the author of the recent Amazon Hacks, among other good works. His…

  • Unedited blog scoops edited blog

    Mickey Kaus notes that he and Dan Weintraub received the same leaked Los Angeles Times poll results in the same e-mail message and that he posted about it in his unedited Slate weblog at 5:38 PM yesterday while Dan’s blog post on the same topic didn’t appear until 9:39 PM.

  • Like 'what is jazz' but bloggier

    I think Michael gets very close to the nut of the thing when he writes “A blog… is an evolving, unfolding story.”

  • Imminent death of blogging predicted -Film at 11

    Written in the mode of a jaded Internet old-timer (how weak is that?), a New York Press Media & Politics item points out the deep irrelevance of weblogs, noting that they are “a circle jerk” and that the best bloggers long to be media columnists like ol’ no-signature who penned the slam. You have to…

  • Microsoft, Apple blog plans?

    The Blog Herald reads about a panel at the upcoming Microsoft PDC conference and predicts that MS will roll out a blogging tool as part of MSN or SharePoint. SharePoint 2003 includes a “Web Log” web package for including a blog-like element in a SharePoint collaborative website, but it’s only semibakes from my perspective. MSN…

  • Shut up, shut up, shut up!

    Today is, of course Talk Like Bill O’Reilly Day. Don’t make me turn off your mic! This Internet is a hotbed of dangerous speech! Even the print media are committing liable against me. There’s something wrong in this country when famous people deliberately try to harm a legitimate businessman like myself. Looks like O’Lielly’s are…

  • Critique of Weblogs, Inc., plan

    Nick Denton offers a good-natured, if tough, critique of Jason Calcanis’ business plan for Weblogs, Inc., inBlog empires. Denton thinks that the trade-publishing angle might bear fruit, but he doesn’t see revenue sharing as a particularly likely way to compensate authors, he offers some insightful observations about the value of branding to the individual writers,…

  • Morbus Iff says keep Atom name for Pie format

    Amphetadesk creator Morbus Iff posted to the Atom Syntax mailing list a proposal that the Pie syndication ‘n’ API format for weblogs just go ahead and use the name Atom and stop all this endless voting. Looks like other list participants have endorsed the idea and votes are now flowing over to Atom. I voted…

  • Canniblogs?

    A friend of mine asked me if there are any pot blogs. A quick search found a reference to this Slash-style group weblog at Marijuana.Com and a number of topical blog entries, but that’s it. It seems like a natural for a personal blog. Or maybe a drugs blog in general. Maybe I should have…

  • Gang stories calls it quits

    It’s easy to understand why the author of gangstories has found dredging up his past to be too painful to continue, but it’s sort of a shame. You don’t often get this kind of clear-eyed gripping depiction of life in poor neighborhoods, let alone honest portrayal of gangbanging without all the “gangsta” glamour shoveled on…

  • Why do you blog? Why does Scoble?

    Jim Blizzard asks Why do you blog?. Here’s why Scoble blogs. Here’s how Halley does it.

  • Scott Mace migrates to TypePad.

    In A frustrating but pivotal blogging week, Scott Mace discusses migrating his Service Provider Blog from Radio UserLand to TypePad. An outage that prevented him from posting with Radio prompted him to make the move sooner rather than later. Scott sat in on my Seybold seminar, so I hope our discussion of the various blog…

  • SacBee wrestles with blog journalism

    This column by the Sacramento Bee’s ombudsman (Are Bee’s standards for Web lower than for print?) addresses two incidents, an unedited press release published under a byline, and some controversial assertions (OK, opinions), stated by columnist Daniel Weintraub in his overnight-sensation California Insider political weblog, with its sometimes minute-by-minute coverage of the twists and turn…

  • Template module tips for TypePad

    TypePadista community catalyst and culture kitchen creator Liza Sabater is having a ball with TypePad and documenting what she learns as she goes on her TP blog, burudanga. In fact, I may have to add burudanga to my short sidebar of other metablog feeds. I just landed on b u r u n d a…

  • Entering the flow

    While one technically savvy core of the blogosphere strives to develop structure and hierarchies and semantic richness, the leading edges of the churning cloud of webloggers is all about flow. One reason why blogging works as well as it does for a growing number of people is that the barriers to entry are low and…