Category: Salon Bloggers
Minus one weblogs
Salon’s community weblog server has been flakey for a few weeks now Is anyone at Salon minding the store? Recently Changed Weblogs Recently Changed Weblogs No recently updated sites to list at this time. The high-water mark is 106 weblogs, on 1/21/2004; 7:21:38 PM. The low-water mark is -1 weblogs, on 4/14/2005; 12:11:04 AM.
a great six-foot-two hole in my world
B watched the slideshow today with voiceover by William “Grimey” Grimes and found it sterile. I pointed her to Julie Powell’s much more personal rememberance at The Julie/Julia Project.
Curious about the Well?
Let me take a cue from Bruce Umbaugh and extend this invitation to our readers here: Friends are invited to join The WELL: The WELL, one of the most cherished and original online social gathering places, has engaged, informed, enraged and transformed people from around the globe since 1985. On April 1 our community –…
Slate diary based on Salon blog
I noticed that Interns’ Diary (“Two medical interns examine their roles as healers while learning to be doctors”) was high on the Salon blog rankings charts last week with a huge traffic spike coming in the form of referrals from a Slate weeklong diary featuring Ingrid Katz and Alexi Wright, the two interns in question.…
Migrating from Radio to iBlog
Salon blogger Gnosis has migrated from Radio to iBlog and posted an entry explaining how to manage this migration while remaining part of the Salon blogs community: It took several days longer than I expected, but Gnosis is moved, and I’ve settled down to the sort of code tinkering that’s an ongoing process for me.…
It's a small world 'o crap, after all
My current favorite Salon blog is World o’ Crap. Basically, it’s hilarious. It goes after the righties in power without the usual liberal deference and nuance-balancing. Instead, the author offers a full-throated in-your-face style suitable for radio. Sign her up quick! Here’s what had me laughing just now: When she’s not busy being an action…
The Julie/Julia book
Add The Julie Powell to the list (along with Salam Pax) of bloggers whose weblogs have landed them sweet book deals. Congratulations to Julie for conceiving of her brilliant project and then – most importantly – executing it. So now, is the book going to just be a slightly edited rendition of the yearlong cooking…
We're No. 10 (again)
Through regular exercise and the downing of a lot of chocolate-covered donuts, Radio Free Blogistan’s parent blog, Mediajunkie, has recovered its coveted 10th-place rankings in the list of Salon’s all time Rankings by Page-Reads.
Migration project and priorities
As promised last week, I am going to start migrating some of my weblogs from tool to tool. I’m not doing this just to demonstrate the processes and the problems, but because I have had longstanding plans to do so as a matter of trying to rationalize (or refactor) my web presence a bit. My…
How to backup and restore the world
I just added David Pollard’s How to Save the World weblog to my subscriptions. His blog is a nonstop source of fascinating thoughts about business, the web, society, and so on. He has also done some interesting analyses of Salon bloggers by traffic and interconnectedness. (Since Harry Potter will be knocking me out of Salon’s…
DeLaygate gathering steam
Joshua Marshall is doing his usual bang-up job of covering every angle of the ongoing Tom DeLay scandal dealing with misuse of Homeland Security resources in the Texas redistricting conflict, and subsequent attempts to cover tracks.
Jan Haugland nominates David Harris for Googleslut of the century for temporarily renaming his blog Harry Potter 5 Summaries and News. Over 3000 hits this morning and counting….
Talk about your text ads
Susannah Breslin’s efforts (on behalf of a loyal reader) to turn up a frontal shot of a female streaker has already yielded one slightly more revealing image. The cowgirl says “points of for pasties,” but I say points off for implants. Also, outing myself as a dyed-in-the-wool word freak, I’d like to see a picture…
Matthew Sperry R.I.P.
While this site was down, a tragedy befell a young musician and his extended family and friends in the bay area music community when Matthew Sperry was struck by a pickup truck and killed while riding his bicycle at an intersection near the Emeryville-Oakland border on Stanford Avenue. I didn’t know Matthew, but I had…
Weee're back
Well, that took longer than expected. I’m still getting things re-configured and re-set up at ol’ Open Publishing / ezone / x-everything industries, but most of the sites are at least now visible, and I may hope that we’ve cured the hacked-so-easily problem we had going there. In the meantime, off the air, I found…
Writers who inspire me today.
If my host (and hence MT server) weren’t down for maintenance and upgrade today, I’d post the following to (arts)flow or Infinite Work over at ezone. Instead, I’ll save it here because damn I wish I had Susannah’s balls: Why I Like to Smoke Crack. Today, I wrote up a two-page proposal for my novel…
Decisions, decisions
She’s Actual Size, Nationwide, Believe asks the musical question, “Seriously, though, if some horrible situation came up where you had to either have sex with a cat or sex with a monkey, which one would you choose?”
still lives
Dave damns Six Apart with faint praise
Dave often complains when people praise Six Apart products that Userland offered whatever feature in discussion years ago. Maybe that’s not the point? Or maybe people are just jealous because he’s rich and influential? (He also likes to use Manila sometimes as his counterexample against Movable Type when people make comparisons, but Manila is not…
One of this space’s favorite blogs, more of a daily news commentary column really, is going at least on hiatus: Death and Blogs. In this case, it’s us. The Raven bows out now, and hopes you’ve enjoyed reading this Weblog as much as we’ve enjoyed writing it. For now, it’s time to focus on other…
metageneric antiblog spot
Heading making clever pun on ‘blog’: i’m a journalist. see my daring posture vis-a-vis blogs: they are too influential to too small a group of people. popular bloggers are bad and the taste of the blogosphere is incorrect or corrupted. google is making things worse. it’s giving me opinions when i expect primary sources. me…