Category: Salon Bloggers

  • Cowgirl instalanched, coattails for Salon bloggers: minimal

    Dave Winer’s link to RCB’s take on Lisa Guernsey’s article (why does Guernsey have two blog addresses, one at Salon and one not?) got picked up by Instapundit, who declared it “the final word” on the subject. She’s a rawk staw I tell you. Meanwhile, I’ve been meaning to post about Halley’s Comment and SRO…

  • Which dreamt it?

    Before it disappears, go and read Literary Devices by Richard Powers, published in cooperation with Zoetrope. Borges suggested that the reader writes Dante, Shakespeare, Cervantes. The software that drives battle scenes in the Lord of Rings trilogy approaches the kind of interactive storytelling landscape presaged in this witty, utterly engrossing tale. An excerpt from near…

  •    Presenting the world

       Presenting the world

  • Hello! I just put it

    Hello! I just put it to bed!The all new, constantly improved VIRTUAL OCCOQUANGuess you’d better check it out now! With David Fox, FIONA, The Raven,The Barbaric Yawp, Kriselda Jarnsaxa,Robert Crook, Mark Hoback, Rob Salkowitz,Jan Haugland, Maxine Dailey, Stan Keaton,Gentleman George Mahood, VeryModern,Rayne, Daniel Dolinov, Susan McNerney, anda very special appearance by the DC Divas. If it…

  •    Your Salon Blog Tour

       Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality   Reader

  •    Your Salon Blog Tour

       Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality   Reader

  • Blog gender gap?

    Lisa Guernsey has recently started a weblog about search engines. She writes in today’s Circuits section of the New York Times about the relative prominence of men in the blogosphere as compared with women. Many have pointed out, however, that blogs are a fairly egalitarian format, with women, people of color, and other groups who…

  • What Would Jesus blog?

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality So I’m on the road, trying to find something decent on the radio, and I stumble across this guy, Judge Andrew Napolitano. He is sitting in on a talk show, and has become very worked up by recent sociological events. Well, what ho, that

  • Holiday quality tour: thanks and sorry

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality   This is a holiday version of the quality tour, and I’ve got something I need to get off my chest. Oh Lord, I do hate to ever hate to apologize, but I’ve got to admit that I was a real asshole last week. I dissed some of the Salon…

  • Qual Tour (is this a guest editor?)

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality     Pesky the Rat has the inside information regarding the John Ashcroft “War on Redwoods.”   Over at Reflections, Daniel Dolinov makes a number of unflattering remarks about mega-star Babs. I’d have to say that anyone who has ever seen “Yentel” and not been profoundly touched must have a…

  • I'd laugh if I weren't crying

    Tom Tomorrow describes three scenarios and asks you to guess which actually happened and which are outlandish satire. I should probably just link to the cartoon every Monday…. [Bite Media]

  • Tour to rotate

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality   A very quick and dirty tour, as it is only an hour till kick-off (Redskins/Rams) and I certainly won’t be in any shape to write when I get home.   Eerily, Life On Earth has a perfect description of  my morning.   That kooky Googobits chronicles Lynda Van Devanter.…

  • All right people. At 1:44

    All right people. At 1:44 PM EST, the new edition of Virtual Occoquanis now on line. Virtual Occoquan.What Salon Blogs looks like dead.

  • Tour…

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality ; I’m feeling much better now. Not cranky at all. I found my Prozac, and also located my little yellow ones. Today is Friday, and I do raise a toast to all of you Weekend Warriors, unless you happen to work in the service industry, in which case I…

  • Raven: "I hope we're not getting too competitive"

    Being Judgemental. The Raven What I like to do is look around at other people’s blogs. Since my blog is here at Salon, I tend to look at salonblogs at least as much as I check out other people’s work elsewhere. Sure, I’m a bit critical, but life is short and you can’t read everything.…

  • Ex-Republican Huffington bemoans new Stepford Pelosi

    I’ve been in there rooting for “San Francisco Democrat” Nancy Pelosi, though I know her mainly as a fundraiser, and cutting her some slack as she tries to reposition the Democrats in congress, but Arianna Huffington put her finger on a real concern in her recent Salon column today… [Bite Media]

  • Tour Update

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality My rant.It’s someone new almost every day now, hyping themselves big time. And I haven’t talked about it directly … oblique is more my style … but I’ve got to say this once and try to wise a couple of you up. (I don’t want to write about this…

  • Watchword Issue 4 Release Party at Café du Nord (in S.F.) on December 8

    Watchword Press is proud to announce the release of their fourth issue of Watchword by hosting an exciting evening of literary entertainment featuring contributors Ishle Yi Park, Maw Shein Win, and Stephanie Young. Also, come hear the mesmerizing music of Zmrzlina, Sonny Smith, and The Ebb and Flow. And… you… [artsflow]

  • Hoback quality tour of quality

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality It’s like so, so, oh, what’s the phrase for what I need to say? Agh nugirn ngkyew, afnwa tnirnada bies, no? Eerie. To answer this week’s most popular question, no, you cannot nominate candidates for the Salon Blog Death Watch. I know, it’s tempting, but the cardinal rule is…

  • Over 10,000 served at Dreaming of China

    At some point most likely tonight, this blog will pass its 10,000th hit. I get a real sense of satisfaction out of that. Sure, I’m willing to be that at least 1,000 of those hits are from me reloading trying to figure out if this page design or that style sheet tweak worked, but still…

  • Quality tour

    Your Salon Blog Tour of Quality Gonna be a mighty short tour tonight, little buddies. Just finished putting the latest edition of Virtual Occoquan to bed. It’s the best one yet, I must say. Briefly… Dreaming of China writes about the end of the left in American politics. Semi Truths, long considered an abandoned blog,…