Category: Weblog Concepts
2003 Bloggie nominations open
Have a favorite undiscovered blog you think deserves more recognition? Nominate it for a Bloggie. I’ve submitted my nominations. I must say, though, the name of the award is terrible (as is Webby). I like the system used in the entertainment world, wherein the trophy is named after some luminary from the medium’s exalted past…
William Gibson gets a blog
William Gibson, influential writer of speculative fiction (sci-fi to the genrists), has a somewhat ironically neo-Luddite reputation but added a blog to his official site yesterday and promises to post there nearly daily. For some reason, the main page currently shows the first entry and not today’s, the second, in which a discussion of his…
Confessions of an adulterer
Instant Message chronicles the rise and fall of an extramarital affair. It’s crack for voyeurs.
it is real life. i delight in the mundane.
Kitty posts a hilarious IM conversation with a clueless wanker.
Have your tickets out and ready
I’m so out of it. After returning from a week and a half in New York I’m still reading The Gawker but without that same sense of immediacy (not that it matters where you are when you read about New York, and not that that prevents me from reading the Times, the Nation, the New…
Another blogger upside story
I think we need to coin yet another neologism, perhaps “blogvertigo” for that swoon a blogger feels when starting down another one of those endlessly branching (till the browser crashes) web expeditions while trying to decide what to save and what to comment on. Next thing you know you’re at BoingBoing and the rest of…
You've got blog
According to CBS, AOL is preparing to support some form of blogging: America Online reportedly will furnish subscribers the tools through which they can publish diaries and commentaries on the Web. Known as “Blogs,” or Weblogs, they are easily produced one-page Web sites, popularized by entertainment artists and journalists. They are also used by…
Bay Area Salon Bloggers meetup?
Not to exclude anyone, but it seems that a lot of the people blogging here at Salon are based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Maybe in the new year we should try to put together a party or something?
Movable Type / LDAP integration
Leslie Orchard (0xDECAFBAD) says he’s got an early version of a method for integrating MT with LDAP. Cooooooool: This week, at work, I cobbled together a hack for MovableType that hooks it up with an LDAP server for author accounts: MovableTypeLDAPAuthors. This is an early, early, early release of the thing, and is likely to…
Blogger gets a column
Mark Pilgrim: “[T]oday is the first time in my life that I’ve been directly paid for writing.” This is how it’s supposed to work, right? Sweat equity -> personal brand -> pundit status.
'Gawker' hits the streets
Well, the long-rumored Spiers/Kottke/Denton NY gossip rag e-zine blog thang has burst onto the scene and it looks fabulous. I’m both pleased and envious, which is a good sign (for me). Great concept, great execution. Huge talent. What else do you need? Perfect timing too since I’m sitting here in my parents’ apt. on the…
Blogs vs. Lott
When the major media and the Democratic leadership in the Senate were ready to give Lott a pass on his accidental honesty at Strom’s 100th birthday party, it was the blogosphere that kept the story alive until the beltway consensus gelled and the pile-on began. We always here about the power of right-wing talk radio…
Step 1: Become fabulously wealthy
I have so many plans for the future that share that same first step. (Sometimes I feel like Homer in a Simpsons re-run I saw recently: he and Marge are stalking a judge and they are startled by an nighttime milk truck delivery. Homer says, “Hey… maybe I should become a milkman!” and Marge asks…
Meta enough for you?
Lately, the Reverse Cowgirl has been blogging about the process of making a rough TV pilot for the prospective cable show inspired by her blog. The very fact of metablogging a blog tv show about your blog on your blog by itself was enough to make my head spin, but the fact that in so…
Count me in!
I so want to do this Weblogs in Meatspace conference I can taste it. I want to attend. I want to help make it happen. Where do I sign up? From DaveNet: Your schedule is on the Web. You implement policies. Can anyone make an appointment with you? Block out times you don’t want to…
Redesigning salonika
I’m doing some maintenance around “this old blog,” tweaking the main design and planning a new version of my Salon blogs category, salonika. The problem with the current approach is that Radio’s news aggregator encodes certain special characters that Radio’s DHTML whizzy interface inserts into blog entries, and then recodes them or unencodes them differently…
All's well that ends well
Now it can be told: In some ways the most frustrating thing about the deal I signed in August to write a guide to blogging for professionals was that I wasn’t permitted to discuss the project here in my blog-about-blogging. This was probably a good business decision for my publisher, as they did not want…
Blogger API 2.0 developer preview
As promised, Steve Jenson of Pyra has uploaded developer-preview documentation of the Blogger API 2.0 to a temporary location at the Yahoo group bloggerDev. He says I’m waiting for a DNS change to propagate before I give it a permanent home. Once that update is finished, I’ll open up access to [an] API Validator [that]…
The big exhalation
As the year winds down, I find I have a surfeit of interesting things to think, write, and talk about but an overwhelming desire to sit and stare at a fireplace warmed only by a string of chili lights. I’ll be in New York for about a week before Christmas, returning to Oakland on the…
Gender irrelevant to blogging?
In The Aardvark Speaks, Horst Prillinger continues the discussion of blogging and gender prematurely declared over by Instapundit, taking issue with the Cowgirl’s assertion that “the ideal outcome in terms of blogs and bloggers in the blogosphere’s future would be the cultivation of more blogs that wholly transcend the very genders of their authors.” Nope.…
Are the sweepstakes closed?
The Reverse Cowgirl was looking for a name for her blog’s upcoming TV show. She may have settled on Oh, Susannah! If the contest is still open, I have a new idea. How about Frighten the Horses? (Anyway, I like it better than my first suggestion, Ye Olde Pervert’s Almanack.) For what it’s worth, and…