Category: Weblog Concepts
Blossier is watching you
Saw this on the Well’s blog.ind conference today: \”Blossier\” — an online instant-dossier service for those who want to track individual bloggers. Who’s home? Who’s on the road? Who’s pro-war? Who’s anti? Who’s a Mac user? etc. Press release from the Denounce newswire (“a satire website specializing in false press releases that are meant to…
Salon's Radio community server on the fritz?
The Salon blogs mailing list is abuzz with complaints about the behavior of the community server. Hit counts appear to be down, updated blogs are not registering, and the comment system keeps becoming unavailable. We don’t have a formal process for inquiring about these kinds of maintenance issues, and I’m not sure anyone’s emailed Scott…
This is getting tiresome
Looks like my Arab Vieruz hackers have broken in again and attacked my site. This is tedious (and my own fault, or that of my sysadmin, for not plugging whatever security hole is being exploited). It’s easy enough to republish this page, but I have to go and replace pages at my other sites by…
Do you read me? (via my RSS news feed, that is?)
Quick informal \”poll\” (since you never know much about your RSS-feed audience). If you subscribe to RFB’s newsfeed and read this blog in an aggregator, please email me at this nonce address: <> with the name of your feedreader as the subject (for example “Subject: Radio\” or “Subject: NetNewsWire Pro\” or \”Subject: AmphetaDesk\,” etc.). Don’t…
Guardian on bloggers and Rachel Corrie's reputation
The Guardian looks closely at how bloggers covered the aftermath of the Rachel Corrie story, finding an unsavory pile-on in the echo chamber. Cointelpro Tool takes on this line of reasoning and finds that it echoes the Indymedia line.
I claim Free Blogistan in the name of the People
Because the freest markets are imaginary markets.
A brief history of sexblogs
A month or so ago, Debra Hyde wrote a piece for Yes Portal called Sexblogs: Observations from an Early Adopter. In it, she recounts her own experiences, starting a sex blog (or journal as we probably would have called it then) called Pursed Lips just before the advent of Blogger. There’s a touch of regret…
Some people who should have blogs
off the top of me head: Jeff Green Dan Brodnitz Nicholas Meriwether Robert Meriwether Jennifer Crumlish Arthur Crumlish (pear and fills) don’t get me started on Crumlishes! Jeff Tiedrich Justin D’arms Doris Lessing Louis Menand Christopher Hitchens
It's Dave Winer's world… we just live in it
Gary Hart has a blog. Let’s see if he can keep it up through a grueling campaign. A presidential blog would be cool but somehow I don’t see it.
How to use Radio's outliner?
Last nigth at the Berkeley J-School new media conference keynote address, I took extensive notes in my Radio outliner. I need to fix some typos (especially from a sticky ‘r’ key), but I also need to figure out how to turn the OPML outline into a weblog post. I can’t find any instructions about this…
Best new blog name
Seems to be a salonika Friday for me, when I should be taking screenshots for my long overdue Chapter 9 of (yes, they just told me I can mention it in public, wait for it…) FrontPage Savvy, but more on that another time. Best named new notable Salon blog has to be Why Your Wife…
Raven on how to read the news
The Raven has, by dint of daily effort, accomplish what many bloggers dream of doing but few manage: He publishes a highly literate, well crafted, thoughtful essay every day (sometimes more than one per day), usually on the newsmedia environment we live in. His audience grows steadily. He has earned each daily reader. I’m not…
One geek to rule them all
Starting off with free email newsletters and a curious brand name, Chris Pirillo has emerged as enfantrepreneur terrible on the web scene. After traditional publishing companies and venture driven ghastlies dumped megabucks pursuing the e-book millennium during the dotcom folly, the word among publishers and authors these days is that e-publishing turned out to be…
Content architecture for business blogs
Dave Pollard’s been doing some heavy thinking on how best to use weblogs in the workplace, to enable employees to “publish their filing cabinets.” He’s got some useful diagrams illustrating the content architecture he recommends. Any blogger (or k-loggers) would recognize his scheme as a variation on the familiar weblog format that has emerged in…
Berkeley J-School webcast tonight
Scot Hacker just told me (hey, little head’s up next time?): Join us this evening (March 24) at 7:30 pm PDT for a live webcast featuring J.D. Lasica of the Online Journalism Review and Rusty Foster of Kuro5hin, on the topic of weblogs and journalism.
RFB hax0red
Having a nice day mostly off-line, thinking about maybe uploading some more cloud pictures or posting something about David Brooks mentioning Salam Pax’s blog on the McLehrer report on Friday, when I check my mail and see that Scott Rosenberg and my cousin, A.P. Crumlish, both tipping me off to the fact that Radio Free…
- ping-response messages
So, as I mentioned a while back, Textpattern reports on what happens when you ping Ordinarily, you see this message: Article posted says: Thanks for the ping. We checked and found that the “x-ism” weblog has changed, so it will appear in changes.xml next time it is updated. (The link, though, is rendered…
Server back up
Well, I don’t know what was wrong with my DNS or Apache configuration, but whatever it was it seems to be working correctly now, thank Murphy. I’ve been getting some poignant messages from a friend in Iraqi Kurdistan. He and his family are headed from Erbil into the countryside to avoid, if possible, the ravages…
Here's a job for the x-ism blog
RFB’s focus has been drifting and to give it coherence, besides just becoming an RSS aggregator of my other feeds, I think I’ll go back to trying to document my PEP (personal expression platform) project there, including some organizational stuff, some IA ideas, but first, mostly a bunch of scans of sketches I’ve done over…
Hell hath no fury
I’ve finally coaxed my partner in crime, Briggs Nisbet, to set down her occasional rants about the news in a new Mediajunkie column called Hellmouth. Her first item deals with the kidnapped Salt Lake City rendered invisible by a veil.
Ping directly
Jason DeFillippo is beta testing a ping service for at this address: The address to add to the Remote Interfaces text box is The beta is just for MT users at this time, but Jason invites anyone to try it: If you are running any other blog tool that lets you specify sites…