Category: Weblog Concepts

  • What's more important than blogging?

    David Neiwert discusses a blogger’s hiatus and the kinds of things in life that are more important than blogging. He also talks about how blogging fits into his current writer/father life. His blog, Orcinus, is essential reading and I think he should know that it’s not at all maddening for him to be updating the…

  • DoD weblogs?

    Clay Shirky writes in Many-to-Many that the Department of Defense is looking into using weblogs for procurement. It’s not clear to me how this would work, and they offer a strange definition of weblogs, saying that a “BLOG” is similar to a community-of-interest (COI) but with role-based security. Huh?

  • Weblog strategies for nonprofits

    One of the students in my weblogs class at Seybold last month was the web administrator of the Community Technology Foundation of California ( They use a sophisticated CMS to maintain the site but are experimenting with weblogs and wanted to see whether they might be more easily customizable, because – we agreed – different…

  • Interview with pb, weblog pioneer

    Anil Dash interview Paul Bausch for Six Log, touching such fundamental weblog concepts as the origin of permalinks nad the implications of a time-centered structure for websites. Anil reminds readers that pb was part of the Pyra team that launched Blogger and is the author of the recent Amazon Hacks, among other good works. His…

  • Like 'what is jazz' but bloggier

    I think Michael gets very close to the nut of the thing when he writes “A blog… is an evolving, unfolding story.”

  • Why do you blog? Why does Scoble?

    Jim Blizzard asks Why do you blog?. Here’s why Scoble blogs. Here’s how Halley does it.