Category: The Power of Many
Conversate – instant online discussion spaces
Quoting from Conversate: Conversate lets you create instant online discussion spaces. It’s simpler, faster, more polite, and less annoying than group emails…. Try inviting friends to a conversation, no login needed. If you’re intrigued, create an account, it’s free– you’ll get buddy lists and more options. (via Zephyr)
'Darknet' book party in SF Friday
Quoting from Lucky Friday This Week: There’s a gathering of grassroots-media types and celebration of JD Lasica’s new book, Darknet, at the Varnish Gallery in San Francisco Friday evening, 6-9 p.m. Address: 77 Natoma street between 1st and 2nd St. and Mission and Howard.
Wiley buys Sybex
It’s after 5 so I’m now free to announce that John Wiley & Sons has acquired Sybex, the publisher of The Power of Many. Here’s agent Matt Wagner’s take on the news (from One less independent?): The tech book market has been brutal the last few years, so maybe it’s inevitable that we’re seeing another…
Ask and ye [might] receive
Andy Baio writes: gets a wiki not much there yet, but I’d love some help fleshing it out; feel free to add your feature requests
Backpack is 37 Signals' new online personal information manager (PIM)
From the people who brought you Basecamp, here’s a new web-based tool for personal information management, to do lists, organizer: Backpack Gather your ideas, to-dos, notes, photos and files online. Set email and mobile reminders so you don’t forget the little things. Easily collaborate with others. No data lock-in, that’s a plus. I want to…
Questions about extended feeds and microcontent (from deusx)
Quoting from Some thoughts about extended feeds & microcontent Is a feed the right place for your data? Do reviews belong in the feed or in the content? How about calendar events—in the feed or in the content? If it’s just generated via template, why not both? Or is this where the law intends I…
Why do you want to know?
The first time I heard about BzzAgent was at South by Southwest this year, when I was on a panel about open source marketing and Jason Calacanis brought it up as a negative example, explaining that the agency’s methods involved inducing agents to shill for their clients in the guise of ordinary social interaction. Invite…
Putting people first in technology
Quoting from How to interest more girls in tech careers at Misbehaving: Jacquelynne Eccles, a University of Michigan psychologist, says that girls steer away from careers in math, science and engineering because they view them as solitary pursuits: “In order to increase the number of women in science, we also need to make young women…
The Yahoo! 360 Product blog
With Yahoo! 360º – Yahoo! 360 Product Blog, the Yahoo 360 team is eating its own dogfood in public, but can any group of people (or Yahoo! Group) have its own blog there, or is this just a custom work-around?
Chris Nolan on 'The Stand Alone Journalist' at PressThink
Chris Nolan guested a week or so at PressThink with The Stand Alone Journalist is Here…. Be sure to read if you’re interested in the impact of blogging and syndication on journalism.
A year ago I couldn't even spell jernalist
Today I are one! OK, I’ve dabbled in journalism before, but it’s been a while and it was mostly in the tech trade press. Today my first article has been published at Personal Democracy Forum, Meetup Says Put Up or Shutdown: On April 12, dropped a bomb on its users: the online group organizing…
And on BBC One, me telling you this
Quoting from All-Podcast, All-the-Time Radio: A San Francisco radio station is going to start airing nothing but user-submitted podcasts beginning on May 16. The station, which calls itself KYOU Open Source Radio, will broadcast on 1550-AM/San Francisco and the Internet. Submitted podcasts must be 60 megabytes or less in size and can be in any…
Note to self: Look before you leap
Was: Telemarketers, do not call my cellphone Passing this along, seems like a worthy blog meme to spread: In case you had not heard … In a few weeks, cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls. Worse yet, YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS…
Text messages from Jazz Fest
Cell phones help people locate each other at spread out entertainment events like the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival (the first weekend of which I just attended for the tenth or eleventh time in the last thirteen or so years), but it can be hard to hear what someone is saying into your phone…
Second PDF conference in NY, May 16
Faithful readers of this site know that I am also a contributing editor at Personal Democracy Forum, a site about how technology is changing politics edited by Micah Sifry and founded by Andrew Rasiej. That site grew out of a one-day conference in New York last year (also called Personal Democracy Forum). This May 16…
Happy Birthday Micro Persuasion!
Steve Rubel celebrates his blog’s first anniversary (Happy Birthday Micro Persuasion!). He’s accomplished a tremendous amount in one year, and in that time has become my first go-to source for blog news and information. Here’s his summary of the year: Micro Persuasion turns one year old today. I would like to take this opportunity to…
The Well's 20th anniversary
I missed the local anniversary party and the afterparty the next day, but the first one got a decent write up in the Chronicale / SF Gate (Hippies, freethinkers and geeks mark two decades of dipping into the Well): The crowd looked like the stereotype of the Bay Area intellectual and creative community. And, indeed,…
Might need to register
Over at Hot Points, GoDadddy founder and president Bob Parsons notes that the US 9th Circuit has ruled it OK for critics of a business entity to register “{entity name here}” as a domain name, even when the entity’s name is a registered trademark. This evening, Parsons will discuss the ramifications of this on…
If the Times won't come to the mountain…
An essay I’ve struggled with writing for Jay Rosen about how the New York Times and other newspapers could become full citizens of the web has eluded me as I continue to mull over the possibilities, but in the meantime, it looks like some folks aren’t waiting for the major media to open themselves up…
Darren Barefoot spits out the podcasting Kool-Aid
Scoble pointed me to Why I’m Not Smoking the Podcasting Dope by Darren Barefoot. Some good points in there about why podcasting is not like blogging and won’t have the same legs.
Tracing the term social software
Quoting from the term social software (danah boyd), which I meant to post six months ago when it first appeared… Christopher Allen does an excellent job of tracing the history of the term ‘social software’ – a resource for us all. Of course, i still despise the term (sorry Clay) and its (ab)usage. The term…