Designing for Play (updated for Web Directions @media)

I gave the latest version of my Designing for Play talk at the @media conference (now run by the amazing John Allsopp / Maxine Sherrin team famed for their other fantastic Web Directions events) in London two weeks ago and was very pleased with the comments and feedback I got.

The sage Scott Berkun even gave me a pat on the back, as well as some useful constructive criticism (I was saying “um” a lot, as the audio will no doubt reveal – this is something I’ve worked on eliminating but I think in this case it was a “tell” that I am still feeling my way through this train of thought.)

Anyway, here is the latest version of the slides:

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2 responses to “Designing for Play (updated for Web Directions @media)”

  1. Uncle Tom Avatar
    Uncle Tom

    Love “The Rules of the Inn.” Thinking of posting one when Aunt Carol goes away next week and I bring in a few wenches for a tankard or two. Can you change the “Noes” to “Yesses”? Also, my picture seemed badly cropped at the bottom–only three Noes showed. There must be more.

  2. Kirill Avatar

    Thanks for sharing the slides. I use “umm” a lot, too. I think realizing that we do this is the first step in being able to remove it from occurring, though. Thanks again!