Category: Music
links for 2007-09-10
Simple hackery enables free iTunes ringtones – Engadget for future reference (tags: apple free hacks howto iphone itunes music ringtones)
links for 2007-08-29
Mobile Web Design ~ A Book by Cameron Moll (tags: book books css design development webdesign mobile web)
links for 2007-08-22
Psychology Of Social Design » SlideShare (tags: social design networking reputation identity)
links for 2007-08-20
FINDINGS; The Whys Of Mating: 237 Reasons And Counting – New York Times The results contradicted another stereotype about women: their supposed tendency to use sex to gain status or resources. “Our findings suggest that men do these things more than women,” Dr. Buss said, alluding to the respondents who said they’d had sex (tags:…
links for 2007-08-18
Brad’s Thoughts on the Social Graph an aspect of portable social networks (tags: collaboration community FOAF identity interop network networking networks openid portable research social socialmedia socialnetwork socialnetworks socialsoftware society tags technology toread visualization web web2.0 webdev attention reputation presence) The Web as a loose federation of contractors — everwas Our human OS concept might…
Three things about me you may not have known
via B (who did hers in email): >**Three jobs I have held:** vendor at Yankee stadium, freelance legal summarizer, assistant sexton > >**Three Places that I have lived:** Lawrenceville, NJ; Glen Canyon, SF, CA; Washington, DC > >**Three TV shows I like to watch:** Flight of the Conchords, Ugly Betty, The Wire > >**Three places…