Category: Music
When did the Nation get weblogs?
Someone on the Well just pointed me to Katrina vanden Heuvel’s blog. They’ve got RSS feeds too.
Spring comes to San Francisco
Rich Frankel’s got foxgloves coming up everywhere.
Ten years of public blather
Today marks the tenth anniversary of my first post to Usenet (May 11, 1993). I actually posted four times that day, all to None of the posts are especially memorable (though one gives a fair idea of my other favorite bands of that time), but I still find it noteworthy to mark the passing…
Product placement on the news
Jeff Green exposes how some companies pay to have their products mentioned on the TV news.
Real convergence
Geoff Faulkner has posted an informative article describing how he set up a computer-mediated entertainment center. His solution converges the functionality of his TV and stereo system with a computer for controlling everything.
A week ago today, before I realized how sick I was getting, I made it down to downtown Oakland for (second?) Oakland bloggers’ (and auxiliary) luncheon at the Pacific Coast Brewery, aka Ladies (& Gents) Who Lunch (or: A much-needed excuse to leave the house). What a great gang of folks, some familiar to me…
Insert bathroom joke here
Jeff Green, who’s been on a roll lately, has some choice words for us about iLoo. I suggest he go back and read my “Information pooper-highway” entry from The Internet Dictionary (Sybex, 1994, now sadly out of print). Weirdly, just a few weeks ago I was riffing with another friend about the idea of putting…
More on Ornette in N.O.
My friend in New Orleans sent me this link to the article about Ornette’s performance at Jazz Fest from the Times-Picayune.
You must take the F train
Back when we started Enterzone, a “hyper web text media zine art” project, the goal was not just to produce a kind of ‘zine without paper or distribution costs but also to take advantage of the new internetworked medium to publish writing and art that simply couldn’t be represented fairly or at all on paper.…
Jazz Fest 2003, day 4
I knew I wanted to have a seat in the Jazz tent for Ornette Coleman’s headlining set, but the question was how far in advance I’d need to squat there to manage it, because there were a few other acts scattered around the other stages that we wanted to see as well, earlier in the…
Radiohead's lamest album
Scot Hacker is all over the new iTunes store story, dropping wisdom on theory and practice left and right. Caveat: a man who calls OK Computer “Radiohead’s lamest album” is a man who has outgrown cannabis.
Jazz Fest 2003, day 3
The good news is I haven’t had time each day to get online and upload pictures and such and even now I’m just going to dump raw notes and maybe come back to it later: large iced café au lait beignets …to Blues tent to grab seats, then back out for… crab cake and seafood…
Jazz Fest 2003, day 2
Moise & Alida Viator with Eh, La-Bas!, a surprisingly funky creole fusion. I accidentally capture a few seconds of this couple dancing (with crowds streaming between them and the camera): [click pictures for larger shots] When they’re done we head for some large iced café au lait, and b buys some earthernware pottery from Dallas.…
Sauce for the goose?
Promoters of regime change in the US who run the fooled-ya website have developed an alternate deck of cards for quick identification of their most-wanted list.
For those who cannot be here
Sue W. reminds me that WWOZ is broadcasting much of the Fest.
Jazz Fest 2003, day 1
…took a bunch of pictures, here are just a few (insterspersed among a quick rundown of music and eats)… large iced café au lait 3 beignets Hackberry Ramblers (Fais Do-Do stage) … their 70th anniversary, fresh back from Europe and the Today Show, their 16th straight year at Fest… some technical difficulties, gremlins, intros, 3rd…
Democracy, Whisky, Sexy!
I’ve noticed that many people found the declaration by an Iraqi quoted in the New York Times a few weeks ago to be a great slogan for western values of freedom and the pursuit of happiness. I prefer my spelling, in the title above, to the more typical “Whiskey” spelling. Why? Because it echoes the…
YA meme tracker page
What’s Happening is yet another page that comprises a good list of memetracking websites. [via Anil‘s sidebar links]
I'll be the guy with the sunglasses and the straw hat
I thought this Anil Dash weblog entry looked familiar: I’m off to SF for O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference on Tuesday. I’m going against the grain this year by taking my laptop along, “blogging” in “realtime”, and taking digital photos of people. If there’s a box, I am out of it. If you’re attending as well,…
Earl King, R.I.P.
Speaking of Earl King, I was sad to read this obituary for Earl King one of the great New Orleans guitarists. (Times userid: mediajunkie, password: mediajunkie) Most famous outside of NO (and best compensated for) Jimi Hendrix’s cover (as “Let the Good Times Roll”) of his “Come On,” and for the Mardi Gras standard “Big…
Synchronicity, synecdoche, Schenectady
So I make this new category for my last entry (“Television”) and what should come up in my iTunes rotation? now playing: "Little Johnny Jewel" by Television [The Blow Up]